Embed multiple 360-degree photos and videos into your blog content as a Gutenberg block or a shortcode.
Specify a text label, orbiting, variable Field of View, Rotation, Resizing and more for your 360 degree image or video.
If you're using
wordpress.com or configured plugins installation via Wordpress web UI then
- go to the Wordpress admin console
- go to Plugins->Add New
- search for "Wordpress VR"
- Click "Install Now"
- Click "Activate"
If you're self-hosting Wordpress or prefer to install the plugins from the command line
- go to /wp-content/plugins
- download the plugin .zip file (use wget or curl) into the plugins directory
- unzip the file (and delete the .zip file if you want to)
- go to Wordpress admin interface
- go to Plugins
- locate "Wordpress VR"
- click "Activate"