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开发者 thewand3rer
更新时间 2018年2月8日 20:39
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.1
版权: GPLv3
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academia bibliography publications references Bibtex paper article research


1.0 1.1


Academizer allows you to manage Bibtex entries and define how you want them to be rendered. Academizer needs your support If you find Academizer useful, please consider awarding a mini-research grant by making a donation. Your donation will encourage the continued development and support of the plugin. Thank you! How does it work? You first need to define a Reference Type through the corresponding page, for each Bibtex entry you plan to use (e.g., article, book, inproceedings, etc.), by choosing the appropriate type through the dropdown list. You can select how you wish to render each reference of that type by either choosing a pre-defined style or creating your own (see the Format notation in the Installation tab). You add new references as custom posts through the related menu. You simply need to paste the Bibtex code in the corresponding field in the page. If the Bibtex is well-formed, the appropriate reference type will be detected. If a format is defined for that type, the preview will render the citation in that style. You can also associate to each reference a set of metadata (such as the paper URL, video URL, etc.). You can display a (filtered) list of references by using the [academizer <options>] shortcode. Source Code You can browse the source code on the GitHub repository.


  1. Upload the academizer folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Before adding your Bibtex entries, add a Reference Type (and corresponding format) for each Bibtex entry type you plan to use (e.g., article, book, inproceedings, etc.)
  4. Add each reference through the Add New menu command.
  5. Include the [academizer] shortcode in the page you want to display the references.
Shortcode Simply type [academizer option="value" ...] in any page and the rendering engine will be called. Typing [academizer] will display all references. If you want to select a subset, use the following commands. Format Academizer will parse any correctly formed Bibtex entry. It is essential that you define the corresponding citation style for each Bibtex entry type (e.g., article, book, inproceedings, etc.). Only one style per entry type is allowed. Some of the most common styles are included. You can select them by choosing them from the menu in the Add New Type page. The following is the list of recognised keywords you can use if you want to create your own citation style. For example <authors:{surname, initial}, {and}> will output: Smith, J., Doe, J., and Joe, A. whereas <authors:{name surname}> will output the full name for each author. Style In this release of Academizer, there are three supplied rendering styles. In the default one, each reference is formatted according to the associated style. The thumbnail style uses the Featured Image associated to each post to display a thumbnail. The detailed style requires Bootstrap 4 to be loaded. Academizer will enqueue the required scripts and styles on its own. However, make sure there is only one copy of the Bootstrap scripts/styles loaded (you might have to edit your child-theme). Under Settings|Academizer you can choose two themes (Dark and Light) that come with predefined background and font colors. You can also customise the CSS classes contained in the file academizer/css/academizer.css. You can style your own name differently from other authors. Simply type your full name in the settings page of the plugin. Be sure to use the Bibtex name format: Surname, Name1 Name2 .... Metadata The detailed style will automatically show two buttons for each reference. One button will copy the full citation in plain text to the clipboard. The other will copy the Bibtex entry to the clipboard. If the reference has some metadata values defined, these will be used to create a wide range of buttons. The available types are: You can of course use those links for other purposes, but the plugin will associate to each button a related icon (which you can find as SVG icons in the css file).


  • An example of the plugin's output, using the `detailed` style.
  • The currently available reference formats that are provided by the plugin.
  • An example of the plugin's format.
  • The interface used to add new Bibtex references.


1.1 1.0