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Activation Add-on for GamiPress

开发者 konnektiv
更新时间 2020年11月3日 07:21
PHP版本: 5.5.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5.2
版权: GNU AGPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin community submission badges badge engagement API mozilla reward award nomination credit achievement openbadges OBI open badges open credit credly




This GamiPress add-on adds a global switch in the Backend where the awarding of badges can be enabled and disabled. Note: You will need to install the free GamiPress plugin™ (version 1.4 or higher) to use the GamiPress Activation Add-on. The Plugin was tested up to GamiPress 1.9.4 Get the GamiPress plugin. This plugin was originally developed for the Academy of International Cooperation of GIZ. Contact


  1. Upload, activate and configure the free GamiPress plugin to WordPress.
  2. Upload 'activation-add-on-for-gamipress' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • Activation Switch, if turned off, it overrides the course settings. If turned on, badges can be earned during the set course dates.
  • Activation Switch, if turned off, it overrides the course settings. If turned on, badges can be earned during the set course dates.
  • Activation Switch, if turned off, it overrides the course settings. If turned on, badges can be earned during the set course dates.
  • Activation Switch, if turned off, it overrides the course settings. If turned on, badges can be earned during the set course dates.
  • Activation Switch, if turned off, it overrides the course settings. If turned on, badges can be earned during the set course dates.

