Allows a CMS users (eg shop admin) to create a URL (for WooCommerce only) with specific product(s) and quantity info. When clicked by a user this URL will load those products into the users cart and take them to the checkout page automatically.
Load that page in the browser. You must have CMS login credentials in order to access.
Use the form to select products and quantities (to be loaded in the users cart) and hit 'Go'. This will create the URL.
Use that URL to create a clickable button or send that URL to the user of your choice (perhaps via email but could be anything even WhatsApp).
They then click that URL.
This will load the checkout page for WooCommerce with the products and quantities you pre-selected in the users cart. They can then simply add their payment and delivery details and they can buy those pre-selected products straight away without having to scroll through your site and shop for them all individually.