Adds ribbon with labels to your div containers or image using shortcodes. This is the implementation of CSS Portal ribbon generator. You can set the width , colors , backgrounds of ribbons you wanted to show.
You can email me directly for any plugin request or personal modification such as styles and templates at or contact me at
Plugin URI:
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- BACKUP everything before you install the plugin.
- Upload add-ribbon directory to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Adding Ribbon using Shortcode
- Shortcode for Sherk Add Ribbon is in the format of
[ribbon id="myribbon" padding="10" height="100" width="100" color="#000" bgcolor="#FFF" label="Featured" position="right"]
This is a sample content
- Copy the shortcode, paste it to the content text editor and update the values of your shortcode parameters depends on what you need.
Setting Ribbon for Image Content
- This is a way on adding ribbon using image as your content instead of text.
- Set your padding into 0
- Set your ribbon width and height to the width and height of your image.
- Give the image a class value of 'imgribbon'
[ribbon id="sherkid" padding="0" width="190" height="190" bgcolor="#CCC" color="#233" label="Sample"]
< img class="imgribbon" src="images/landscape.jpg" alt="" width="190" height="190" />
Parameters Available
Id of your ribbon, used in customizing ribbon styles
default: ''
option: string
Text label for your ribbon
default: 'Label'
option: string
Wider ribbon
default: 'false'
option: boolean
Position of the label of your ribbon
default: 'left'
option: left
Padding of your ribbon
default: '10'
option: integer
Width of your ribbon
default: '200'
option: integer
Height of your ribbon
default: '200'
option: integer
Color of your text label
default: '#FFF'
option: Hex Color
Background color of your text label
default: '#000'
option: Hex Color