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开发者 Address44
更新时间 2021年2月12日 23:18
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 1.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce address autocomplete uk address lookup uk postcode lookup uk address auto-complete address auto-complete postcode lookup woocommerce postcode lookup uk address autocomplete



Add Address AutoComplete / Postcode Lookup to your WooCommerce checkout page Your customers will be able to start typing their address and pick from a list which starts appearing as they type. Or you can set up Postcode Lookup, where your customers enter a postcode, click on the 'Lookup' button and then select from addresses matching that postcode. This works for both Billing and Shipping addresses - when United Kingdom is selected as the billing or shipping country.


Follow these simple steps to install, activate and setup Address44 on your Wordpress website.
  1. Sign up to a Free Address44 account at
  2. Install and Activate the address44 plugin from the Wordpress library
  3. Under Settings > Address44 - add your Address44 Access key.
Instructions Make sure United Kingdom is selected as the country. Address Auto-complete Simply start typing in the first line of the address field and a list of matching addresses to click on will appear below. Postcode Lookup Enter a postcode, click on the 'Lookup' button and a list of matching addresses to click on will appear. Our dedicated support team are always on hand to offer advice and answer questions regarding the installation of the Address44 Wordpress plugin, or any of our other servcies or systems. Please feel free to get in touch if you require any assistance.

