A plugin for quick and easy search of menu items and sub-items, taking into account different keyboard layouts. This means that even if you enter text in English, but you have another keyboard layout active, the desired menu item will still be found!
The search field is added to the very top of the admin bar, ensuring that it is always accessible. And when I say permanent, I really mean always! I've added a hotkey for quick focus on this field - slash (/). And to quickly clear the input field if it's in focus, just press Esc and the field will clear, making all the menu items available again.
The first version of a large and useful plugin.
Will this plugin make me happier?
Hey, buddy! If you have a lot of menu items and even more sub-items, this plugin will definitely make your life easier!
Average person time spent per year on major categories of activities:
Sleep: 2,920 hours
Work: 1,920 hours
Travel to and from work: 240 hours
Eating and drinking: 730 hours
Household Duties: 365 hours
Free time and recreation: 1,095 hours
Personal hygiene and grooming: 365 hours
Miscellaneous Activities: 1,125 hours
Search for the desired menu item: ∞
But if you still have questions even after that, just install this plugin and feel relieved!
The first version of a large and useful plugin.