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Admin Menus Fixed

开发者 spherical
更新时间 2018年6月23日 07:51
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.6
版权: GPLv2


css dashboard admin network multisite navigation header custom menus productivity bar administration screen dropdown drop down fixed ozh position super spherical


0.3 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.4 1.3


What you need, where you need it - and when. For WordPress 3.8 to 4.9+ - Backward compatibile to WordPress 3.5 (see Other Notes) Works with: Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu 3.6+ and AG Custom Admin 1.2.5+ Admin Menus Fixed Three Ways: As a companion to Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu AND/OR AG Custom Admin OR Standalone (WordPress 3.5-3.7) Standalone: (Depreciated) The WordPress Devs have taken a page from this plugin's book, pulling the concept into core by fixed-positioning the Toolbar and Admin Menus in versions 3.8+, so the plugin code is shrinking. Kinda goes against the new direction of pulling code out of core and having plugins handle the function if you want/need it, but I'm glad that the concept has been adopted; because it was long overdue. The plugin is returning to its own core purpose, that of enhancing Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu, and I'm OK with that. - see Other Notes For the backstory and a comprehensive overview of how the plugin got its start, see the Fixed Admin Menus - The Plugin post series. See What Else We Do:


Installation as usual:
  1. Upload plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu.
  3. May be Network Activated by Multisite Network Admin (recommended if Ozh's plugin is Network Activated but it is not necessary that the activation methods match). Network Activation is required in WP 3.2+ for the plugin to work in Network Admin screens.
  4. Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu and/or AG Custom Admin not required but are really cool. You should try them out. I've used Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu for years and wouldn't work without it.


  • **WordPress Toolbar + Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu - Both Fixed**
  • **Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu in MiniMode - WordPress Toolbar Disabled**
  • **WordPress Toolbar in Mobile Mode - Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu Fully Wrapped - Both Fixed**
  • **WordPress Toolbar + Standard Menu Expanded - Both Fixed** (WordPress 3.5-3.7)
  • **WordPress Toolbar + Standard Menu Expanded | Page Scrolled** (WordPress 3.5-3.7)
  • **WordPress Toolbar + Standard Menu Collapsed - Both Fixed** (WordPress 3.5-3.7)
  • **WordPress Toolbar + Standard Menu Collapsed | Page Scrolled** (WordPress 3.5-3.7)


A new version of Admin Menus Fixed is available. This release is for WordPress 3.8+ to 4.9+, now with Responsive Design. Please upgrade now.


Standalone: (WordPress 3.5-3.7)


How do I configure it?

No configuration is necessary. It works all by itself.

This is cool. How can I support your effort?

If you'd like to help a real starving artist, please help us buy food and medical care for our Bengal and Maine Coon rescues.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu headers wrap to one or more lines, why do they cover Admin Page content at the very top?

One size does not fit all and it's a difficult, if not impossible, task to find a sweet spot that incnveiences the least number of users. The content partially covered is the top of the page title (Dashboard, Posts, Media, Links, Pages... etc.) This isn't a serious thing, as Ozh' menu itself indicates the page you are on; thereby rendering the page title redundant. The "Add New" Button is redundant, as the functionality is also available in each of the Drop Downs that need that functionality. The "Screen Options" and "Help" tabs are another matter. They provide access to functionality unobtainable by other means. I set break points to accommodate 5 extra menu header items in addition to the 11 WordPress standard entries. I figure that there will be at least 3 plugin headers added to an average WordPress install menu. When the plugin count exceeds 5, the menu will wrap earlier. The standard WordPress menu headers are between 4 and 10 characters long. I have seen one plugin suite that adds 10 separate menu headers that are between 11 and 17 characters long... each. That gobbles up a lot of horizontal space right quick, adding up to being longer than the WordPress default set. Effectively doubling the horizontal space required makes things near impossible to predict. At a browser window width where the WordPress default set would not wrap, the menu is already wrapping once and is near to wrapping a second time, but the vertical spacing hasn't changed to accommodate. The problem gets far worse at mobile screen widths; where this condition would cause Ozh' menu to wrap 10 times! In order to have Ozh' menu wrap as needed and accurately adjust the vertical spacing of the Admin Page content for every situation out there, I'd have to sniff the sheer number of plugins installed, determine which ones add menu entries AND determine how long each of those entries are. I could increase the default break point widths to accommodate an even larger default number but, then, I'd get users wondering why there is so much blank area above the page content when the menu wraps way earlier than necessary on their install. The idea is to save space, not squander it. Workarounds (Not elegant but, if it is only a sometime thing, )

  1. Setting Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu to Icons Only can solve the issue, as they are small and all the same width.
  2. Drag the browser window narrower temporarily until the vertical adjustment kicks in, exposing the hidden button/tabs.


1.4 1.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2 1.1.1 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.3