Quick Start Guide
A truly lightweight plugin for adding Adsense ads to any of your post or pages; including your homepage.
Many plugins for adding Adsense ads to your site are riddled with complex features and code. This may be good for some site owners, but many just want to place ads on their sites without the code being skewed by wpautop or other functions.
Adsense Inserter allows you to easily place your Adsense ads on your pages and post without adding a bunch of code and processing time to your site.
The extremely lightweight code lets you create as a many ads as you want. Then simply place the ads where ever you like on your site using the shortcode [adsense_inserter id="%postId%"].
You can place the Adsense Inserter shortcodes in the visual editor or in the code editor. You can wrap them in div tags and control their placement on your site.
I create the Adsense Inserter because nothing else out there was lightweight enough for placing Adsense ads on my pages. I tried pasting the Adsense ads directly into my code, but always end up with broken code because of wpautop. I am now using Adsense Inserter on my Adsense sites.
You can use the Adsense Inserter plugin to place Adsense display ads and Adsense link units.
Types of Adsense Ads
You can place adsense text only ads, adsense display only ads, adsense text and display ads, and adsense link units. The shortcode will place the correct code you need to display your adsense ad no matter what size you use.
Where to place the Adsense ads
You can place your Adsense ads using the Adsense Inserter shortcode anywhere on your site where a shortcode can be executed. The Adsense Inserter plugin will place the necessary pieces of code in the right places to make your Adsense ads display correctly.
- Adsense ads in header
- Adsense ads in post
- Adsense ads below post
- Adsense ads in sidebar
- Adsense ads in widgets
What you get when you use the Adsense Inserter plugin
- Place an Adsense ad with a simple shortcode [adsense_inserter id="%postId%"]
- Put Adsense ads on any post or page.
- Place text only Adsense ads.
- Place display only Adsense ads.
- Place text/display Adsense ads.
- Place Adsense link units.
Things to consider when using Adsense Inserter for your adsense ads
Be sure to follow Google's policy rules for adsense.
Quick Start Guide