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Advanced Custom Fields Repeater & Flexible Content Fields Collapser

开发者 aaronrutley
更新时间 2017年5月15日 13:08
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


acf advanced custom fields repeater


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.3.0 1.4.0 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3


8 March 2017: Good news! Aaron Rutley has adopted this plugin. Aaron has significant experience with ACF and is a user of this plugin, making him an excellent candidate for maintaining this plugin moving forward. Mark Root-Wiley will no longer be an active contributor or providing support. Aaron has worked up a new version of the plugin that improves the interface, fixes ACF5 support, and continues ACF4 support. It will be available soon and is available for beta testing.
The Repeater and Flexible Content Field features make ACF really powerful, but if you have more than a few fields with either, they becomes unwieldy to sort. This plugin collapses each instance of the repeated fields—only for the "Row" layout—to allow for easy sorting. To help identify each repeater field group when collapsed, the first field of each repeated field group is shown. See the screenshots for an example. Want support for the table layout? Sponsor an update! Contact me about sponsoring this feature if you're interested. Requirements: Contribute to this plugin on GitHub. Other contributors: This plugin began as a support forum thread on the ACF site.


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload all files to /wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the plugin on the Plugins page.


  • Even with a few fields per repeater instance, it becomes unwieldy to sort.
  • This plugin collapses all but the rows first field for easy sorting. (Only "Row Layout" fields are supported.)
  • Once collapsed, easily reorder your rows!
  • The plugin supports nested repeaters.
  • Flexible fields too!
  • New in v1.3.0, you can collapse individual fields! (Thanks to Angie Meeker Designs for sponsoring this feature.)


1.4.3 THIS UPDATE DOES NOT FIX THE PLUGIN WITH ACF 5.3.1. IT IS PURELY FOR FUTURE TRANSLATION FEATURES REQUIRED BY THE PLUGIN REPOSITORY. 1.4.2 ACF5 Compability Fix. Code cleanup. 1.4.0 ACF5 support is here! 1.3.0 New support for collapsing individual rows! 1.1.0 Support for "Flexible Content Fields" add-on thanks to @weskoop. 1.0.2 Major plugin fix & resolving update error 1.0.1 The previous version probably didn't work. Sorry! Use this one.


Where is the "Collapse Rows" button? I don't see it.

The plugin only supports the "Row" layout for repeaters.

Why don't rows collapse? / Why is the row only grayed out?

To help identify each repeater field group when collapsed, the first field of each repeated field group is shown. See the screenshots for an example. When possible, use a short field (like a text field or dropdown) as the first row in a repeatable fieldset.

Can I collapse individual rows?

Now you can, as of version 1.3.0.

What exactly is the "Collapse All Rows" button behavior

With the addition of the ability to collapse single rows, the button now is always in "Collapse" mode unless all rows are collapsed. Then it's "Expand."


1 June 2016 1.4.3 (15 Oct 2015) 1.4.2 (7 Sep 2015) 1.4.1 (19 Nov 2014) 1.4.0 (15 Aug 2014) 1.3.0 (18 Jul 2014) 1.2.0 (22 Apr 2014) 1.1.0 (11 Apr 2013) 1.0.2 (9 Apr 2013) 1.0.1 (9 Apr 2013) 1.0 (8 Apr 2013)