Add a
Font Awesome icon field type to Advanced Custom Fields.
- Optionally set a default icon
- Specify which FontAwesome icon sets to use (Solid, Regular, Light, Brands) (Applies to FontAwesome v5)
- Create your own custom filtered list of FontAwesome icons to use with your fields. Use different custom icon sets with different fields
- Returns Icon Element, Icon Class, Icon Unicode, or an Object including the element, class, and unicode value
- Optionally enqueues Font Awesome in footer where needed (when a FontAwesome field is being used on the page)
- Integrates with jsDelivr to automatically load the latest version of Font Awesome
Note: It is recommended to let this plugin enqueue the latest version of Font Awesome on your front-end; or include the latest version by some other means; so that available icons in the admin area will be displayed properly on your sites front-end.
This ACF field type is compatible with:
- ACF 5.7+
- FontAwesome 4.x and 5.x fonts