This plugin helps you quickly set discounts and pricing rules for your WooCommerce store.
Set up any kind of discount or dynamic pricing you like, and activate/deactivate rules as needed.
Configure fixed dollar amount adjustments, percentage adjustments, or set fixed price for the product or group of products.
Also supports role-based prices & bulk pricing.
Bulk tables can be designed with Customizer. You should setup bulk rule for category/product at first and enable "Show Bulk Table" at tab "Settings".
Some Examples
- Category-level discounts - discount products and provide free shipping
- Buy 4(or more) items on Friday and get 20% off
- Buy product X and get product Y for free - immediately added and visible in cart
- Buy a package - discount it (each item separately), and also get a free product
- Apply bulk discount for selected items, available only to wholesale buyers
- Give a 10% discount to all "Accessories"(Category) if a product X is present in the cart
Check more examples
on our website.
One pricing rule can
- Filter cart items by products, categories, tags or custom fields
- Modify price for each product separately
- Or set total price for whole set
- Apply cart discounts and fees
- Add free products on fly
- Use tables to get bulk rates
- Validate conditions for cart items, user roles or dates
- Track limits (only "max usage" supported currently)
Interface settings
- Show/hide original prices
- Show/hide badge "On Sale"
- Show/hide bulk discount table on the product page
- Set rule for products which already on sale
- Add shortcodes to display discounted or BOGO products at separate pages
- and much more ...
Pro version can adjust product price onfly, adds **exclusive rules, extra conditions and a lot of settings(which allow you to configure different layouts and scenarios).
Have an idea or feature request?
Please create a topic in the "Support" section with any ideas or suggestions for new features.
Automatic Installation
Go to Wordpress dashboard, click Plugins / Add New , type 'Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce' and hit Enter.
Install and activate plugin, visit WooCommerce > Pricing Rules.
Manual Installation
Please, visit the link and follow the instructions
4.9.3 - 2025-02-04
- Importer generates meaningful names for created rules
- Fixed bug - can't edit the pages in some visual page builders
- Fixed bug - missed value 0% for tag {{percentage_saved}}
- Updated compatibility with "Yoast SEO"(PHP warnings)
4.9.2 - 2025-01-15
- Added "Percentage discount" to section "Cart adjustments"
- Removed complex discounts in section "Cart adjustments" (existing rules will work)
- Fixed bug - block-based cart removed gifts (in some cases)
- Fixed bug - "on sale" badge was not displayed if regular price = 1000 and sale price = 900
- Fixed bug - shortcode [adp_products_on_sale] ignored the rule's date conditions
- Fixed bug - variable subscription shown fatal error in the cart
- Fixed bug - rules importer(CSV) used same discount for all roles in "role-based" import
- Fixed bug - rules backup tool ignored fields "Start Date" and "End Date"
- Updated compatibility with "Yoast SEO"
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce"
- Updated (multi-currency) compatibility with "WooCommerce Payments"
4.9.1 - 2024-12-11
- Fixed XSS vulnerability
- Added "Exclude products" selectors to section "Filter by products"
- Added button "Reset to default settings" (>Settings>System), highlight the changed options
- Optimized calculations for variable products
- WooCommerce shortcode [products on_sale="true"] displays products modified by Product Only rules
- Bulk table hides footer if there's no bulk table message in the rule
- Fixed bug - shipping cost was not added to total , if our rules were NOT applied and option "disable shipping calculation" was active
- Fixed bug - bulk mode "Based on variation" handled different simple products as ONE variation
- Fixed bug - wrong prices in bulk table for the products with WC sale price
- Fixed bug - cart conditions "Subtotal ..." ignored discounts added by other rules
- Fixed bug - shortcode [adp_products_on_sale] shown products with increased cost (negative discount)
- Fixed bug - incorrectly updated bulk rules when use >Tools>Update bulk ranges (CSV)
- Fixed bug - WooCommerce Subscriptions product ignored "signup fee" (in some cases)
- Fixed bug - an infinite loop if "WooCommerce Prices By User Role" plugin was active
- Fixed bug - CURCY shown wrong prices after switching currency in the cart
- Fixed bug - prices were doubled if the bundled product was created using the "Woocommerce Product Bundles" plugin
- Fixed bug - "YITH WooCommerce Advanced Product Options Premium" break layout for our pages
- Added compatibility with "WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce"
- Added compatibility with HeyLight Payment System
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce"
- Updated (multi-currency) compatibility with "WooCommerce Payments"
- Fixed PHP 8.4 warnings
4.9.0 - 2024-10-14
- Increased speed of generating store/category pages for shops having a lot of variations
- Added option "Use aproximate price range if product has [10] variations or more"
- Added position "After subtotal" for amount saved in the cart/checkout
- Amount saved supported for block-based cart/checkout
- Fixed bug - "out of memory" error when WooCommerce Subscriptions was active
- Fixed bug - "Replace price with lowest bulk price" worked incorrectly when sale price < price of our discount
- Fixed bug - "Replace the price with the lowest price of variations" tag {{regular_price_striked}} shown the striked price even there was no discount
- Fixed bug - mini-cart shown the striked price after deleting all products from the cart
- Fixed bug - CURCY(WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium by VillaTheme) can't change currency in the cart
- Fixed bug - Divi theme builder failed to start
- Fixed bug - cart condition "Order count" didn't ignore draft orders created by block-based checkout
- Updated compatibility with "FOX - Currency Switcher Professional"
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce"
- Updated compatibility with " WooCommerce Extra Product Options"
- Updated compatibility with WoodMart theme
4.8.3 - 2024-08-21
- Fixed bug - wrong coupon amount for the gift (block-based cart)
- Fixed bug - can't add the free product if this product had stock qty = 1
- Fixed bug - wrong price range displayed for variable products if option "Add products to cart at normal cost and show discount as a coupon" was active
- Fixed bug - option "Replace price with lowest bulk price" incorrectly displayed WooCommerce sale price
- Fixed bug - sale prices was not set for variable products in product feed
- Fixed bug - REST api returned wrong sale price for product if option "Show On Sale badge for Simple product if price was modified" was inactive
- Updated compatibility with "WooCommerce Composite Products"
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce"
4.8.2 - 2024-06-26
- Fully support Block-Based Checkout
- The option "Disable shipping calculation" is OFF, by default
- Added option "Individual use" WC coupon suppress coupons added by rules" (>Settings>Coupons)
- Fixed bug - bulk table was not displayed if final range is less than qty in the cart
- Fixed bug - bulk table was not displayed if product sale price is lower than the bulk price
- Fixed bug - wrong order total if "Don't recalculate cart on page load" enabled
- Updated compatibility with "Woo Product Bundles", item subtotal was incorrect
- Updated compatibility with "WooCommerce Mix and Match Products", item subtotal was incorrect
- Fixed non-reported bugs, detected by PHPStan
4.8.1 - 2024-06-05
- Fixed bug - option "Add products to cart at normal cost" added coupon with 0 amount if product has sale price
- Fixed bug - option "Combine multiple fixed discounts" added coupon with 0 amount
- Fixed bug - option "Don't recalculate cart on page load" worked incorrectly for products which have non-empty sale price
- Fixed bug - option "Don't recalculate cart on page load" displayed an error if cart discount applied
- Fixed bug - php warnings for undefined variables in StructuredData.php
- Updated compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards"
4.8.0 - 2024-05-29
- Added option "Don't recalculate cart on page load" (>Settings>Calculation, default OFF)
- Added option “Force displaying variation price“ (>Settings>Product Page, default OFF)
- Added option "Apply pricing rules while doing REST API" (>Settings>System, default ON)
- The option "Disable shipping calculation" is ON, by default
- The option "Show unmodified price if product discounts added as coupon" is ON, by default
- Optimized rules import (CSV) - merges products with similiar discounts to one rule
- Fixed bug - bulk table missed if 1st bulk range didn't starts at "1" and product has sale price
- Fixed bug - google markup depended on option "Round up totals"
- Fixed bug - fatal error in REST API if our coupon was applied to the order
- Fixed bug - fatal error (division by zero) if variation has zero price
- Fixed bug - product filters didn't support attributes with ":" in name
- Fixed bug - Grouped product was not excluded by product filters
- Fixed bug - "Individual use only" WC coupon applied together with our coupons
- Added compatibility with "WooCommerce Chained Products", by StoreApps
- Added compatibility with "Free Gift Coupons", by Backcourt Development
- Added compatibility with "Yoast SEO", by Team Yoast
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce"
- Updated compatibility with "WC Fields Factory"
- Updated compatibility with "Klarna On-Site Messaging for WooCommerce"
- Updated compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards"
- Updated compatibility with "Shoptimizer" theme
4.7.2 - 2024-04-17
- Fixed bug - the cart displayed regular price for onsale items
- Fixed bug - button "Update onsale list" ignored product filters by "Attibutes" and by custom taxonomies
- Fixed bug - product filters applied only once for pack of items, due caching
- Updated compatibility with "Woo Product Bundles", main product had empty price
4.7.1 - 2024-04-09
- Fixed bug - fatal error in the cart for the bundled products
- Fixed bug - fatal error in the cart, if variable product added itself (not variation!)
- Fixed bug - fatal error in REST API, since WooCommerce version 8.7
- Fixed bug - product filter didn't work with custom taxonomy
- Fixed bug - bulk table was hidden at product page (only for mode "After matching condition")
- Fixed bug - option"Replace price with lowest bulk price" didn't work for mode "After matching condition"
- Fixed bug - cache recalculation (for "Product Only" rules) freeezed if shop had a lot of products
- Fixed bug - some phrases can not be translated
- Updated compatibility with "WPC Product Bundles", bundled products had zero or negative price in the cart
4.7.0 - 2024-03-25
- Speed up our plugin a bit
- UI tweak - allow to set same dates in rules header
- Bug fixed - column "Discounted price" had the same price in bulk table
- Bug fixed - shipping cost ignored in the cart if the rules were not applied and mode "Disable shipping calculation" active
- Updated compatibility with "YayCurrency", fatal error for new version
- Updated compatibility with "Woo Product Bundles", fatal error for priced individually bundles
4.6.2 - 2024-02-26
- Warning! Now field "To Date" (in rule header) is LAST date for the rule
- Bug fixed - fatal PHP error in ContainerCompatibilityManager.php, line 22
- Bug fixed - bulk discount didn't work correctly for "Product only" rules
- Bug fixed - wrong notice that this plugin is not compatible with HPOS mode
- Bug fixed - all sections were cleared if user pressed Enter in any field of the rule
- Bug fixed - impossible to translate text above bulk table
4.6.1 - 2024-02-05
- Bug fixed - PHP fatal error "undefined constant ATTR_TEMP"
- Bug fixed - incorrect calculations if a volume discount or cart adjustment discount was added as a coupon
- Bug fixed - same prices for all ranges in the bulk table if the discount amount was added as a coupon
- Bug fixed - prices were doubled if options were added to the product using the “Woocommerce Product Add-Ons” plugin
- Bug fixed - prices were doubled if the bundled product was created using the "Woocommerce Product Bundles" plugin
- Bug fixed - PHP error for role-based discounts (rare case)
- Bug fixed - "Products Only" rules were not cached
- Bug fixed - same rule was being applied multiple times to the same cart item when an order was created using the Phone Orders plugin
- Bug fixed - some phrases could not be translated
4.6.0 - 2024-01-16
- Fully recoded compatibility with the popular product bundle plugins
- Reduced size of section "exclude products" (inside product filters)
- Deleted unused option "Apply pricing rules while doing API request"
- Bug fixed - fatal PHP error for wrongly formatted date in cart condition "Date"
- Bug fixed - incorrect bulk table for default variation
- Added compatibility with "Klarna On-Site Messaging for WooCommerce" plugin, by krokedil
- Added compatibility with "WC Fields Factory", by Saravana Kumar K
- Updated compatibility with "TM Extra product options"
- Updated compatibility with "Yith WooCommerce gift cards"
4.5.4 - 2023-12-04
- Speed up generation of bulk table, at product page
- Bug fixed - wrong coupon amount for mode "Don't modify price/add as coupon"
- Bug fixed - conflict between option "Override cents" and rule checkbox "Don't modify price/add as coupon"
- Bug fixed - PHP8.2 deprecation warnings
- Updated compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards"
4.5.3 - 2023-10-30
- Bug fixed - can't view order in the backend , if WooCommerce Payments (version 6.6.0) is active
- Bug fixed - "individual use only" didn't work properly for WC coupons
- Bug fixed - can't deactivate WooCommerce Subscription plugin
- Added compatibility with "PPOM for WooCommerce", by Themeisle
- Updated compatibility with "WPML"
- Dev - added hook "adp_is_tax_exempt_processor_active", use it only if your custom code manages tax exemption
4.5.2 - 2023-10-10
- Minor UI tweaks at tab "Rules"
- Bug fixed - field "Sale Price" was overwritten when user used >Products>All Products>Export
- Bug fixed - zero "Amount Saved" at "Thank-you" page
- Updated compatibility with "WPML"
- Updated compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons"
- Dev - we pass raw $data_rows to template bulk-table.php (to simplify custom templates)
4.5.1 - 2023-09-11
- Critical bug fixed - it was impossible to save settings in section >Settings>Cart
- Bug fixed - incorrect display of the long names of the rules
- Bug fixed - incorrect display of "Add rule" button
- Bug fixed - PHP8 deprecation warnings
- Added compatibility with "Quote for WooCommerce", by
4.5.0 - 2023-08-29
We are happy to announce the restyled version of our plugin! Advanced Dynamic Pricing is more user-friendly with this update
- Updated "Rules" tab (rules color, cache control buttons moved, "Add rule" button moved)
- Show discount type selection each time a rule is created
- The field "Max Amount" renamed to "Limit discount to amount" to avoid confusion
- Show an icon for each section of the rules
- Show the most used cart conditions in the Cart Conditions section
- Added search on the "Settings" tab
- Align sections vertically in the Settings and Tools tabs.
- The "Amount Saved" option has been moved from the Customizer to the cart/order settings
- Added 'Read-only quantity' option to free products settings
- Merged import/export settings into one "Backup" section inside the "Tools" tab
- Restyled sections in the "Help" tab
4.4.3 - 2023-07-31
- Bug fixed - multiple attributes worked incorrectly inside product filter
- Bug fixed - WooCommerce coupons caused "500 error" during checkout
- Bug fixed - conflict(empty cart) with Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce, by
- Bug fixed - conflict(empty discount) with Points and Rewards for WooCommerce, by WPSwings
- Bug fixed - fee removed if user edited order using plugin "Phone Orders PRO"
- Bug fixed - section Limits didn't work when the rule applied as coupon
- Bug fixed - single quote soubled in discount name , section "Cart Adjustment"
- Bug fixed - missed order stats if applied coupons were merged
- Added compatibility with "Points and Rewards for WooCommerce", by WP Swings
4.4.2 - 2023-06-21
- Bug fixed - free shipping ignored if it was added by WooCommerce сoupon
- Bug fixed - import CSV failed if field "To range" was empty for bulk rule
- Bug fixed - deprecation notices in PHP 8.1
- Added compatibility with "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce", by Emran Ahmed
- Added (multi-currency) compatibility with "WooCommerce Payments", by WooCommerce
- Updated compatibility with "Acowebs Custom Product Addons", to support version 5.x
4.4.1 - 2023-05-25
- Critical bug fixed - discount doubled for WooCommerce сoupons
- Updated code for [adp_products_on_sale] and [adp_products_bogo] shortcodes
4.4.0 - 2023-05-22
- "Products" - the default value for the new filter (section "Filter by products")
- Bug fixed - the "Free shipping" rule was not applied to the created order
- Bug fixed - variant name does not show attributes if this variant has 3+ attributes
- Bug fixed - exported rules were skipping "Cart setup" section
- Bug fixed - divide-by-zero error for products with zero price inside a bundle
- Bug fixed - fatal PHP error in Processor.php file, line 357 (only for rules with free products)
- Added compatibility with "YayCurrency - WooCommerce Multi-Currency Switcher", by YayCommerce
- Updated compatibility with "Additional product options and add-ons for WooCommerce"
- Updated compatibility with "Acowebs Custom Product Addons", fixed some php warnings
- Updated compatibility with "WPML", added hook "adp_translate_rules"
4.3.2 - 2023-04-19
4.3.1 - 2023-04-04
- Added selector "When the striked price should be shown" to section >Settings>Product Price. More details
- Added/updated sections in Customizer
- Bug fixed - wrong "Amount Saved" displayed if option "Override the cents on the calculated price" was active
- Bug fixed - WooCommerce REST API failed with error 500 in ShippingController.php
- Bug fixed - impossible to hide fixed price for bulk table, in mode "Display ranges as headers"
- Bug fixed - PHP fatal error "undefined function wc_get_notices()"
- Added compatibility with "Mix and Match Products", by Backcourt Development
- Added compatibility with "MyRewards - Loyalty Points and Rewards for WooCommerce", by Long Watch Studio
- Updated compatibility with "WooCommerce Price Based on Country", "Woocommerce Custom Product Addons" and Shoptimizer theme
4.3.0 - 2023-01-24
- Support High-Performance order storage (COT)
- Bug fixed - option "Override the cents on the calculated price" didn't work at product page
- Bug fixed - spliited items(same product!) should be next to each other
- Bug fixed - WPC Product Bundles were ignored in the conditions
- Added compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons", by YITH
- Added compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles", by YITH
- Updated compatibility with "Aelia Currency Switcher"
- Updated compatibility with Phone Orders
- Rewrite compatibility with Polylang and WPML plugins
- Support mode "Display ranges as headers" for shortcode [adp_category_bulk_rules_table]