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Advanced Footnotes

开发者 yutonet
更新时间 2018年6月2日 22:07
WordPress版本: 4.9.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


academic footnotes references articles



Advanced Footnotes lets you add footnotes on articles via shortcodes. Advanced Footnotes is is extremely customizable, therefore it can be implemented on any theme. With its internal functions, you can also implement Advanced Footnotes on your own theme in any form you like. Main Features: Usage Inserting a Footnote: In order to insert a footnote, you can either use the "Insert Footnote" button added on your WYSIWYG editor, or use the [footnote]your-footnote-here[/footnote] shortcode. Shortcode Parameters: "type": Determines the type of the reference. Options: numeric / non-numeric. Listing Footnotes: You can display the footnotes in two methods: Listing by Shortcode: By simply inserting the [footnotes] shortcode in your post content, you can display footnotes wherever you want in your posts. Shortcode Parameters: "title": Determines the title for the footnotes list. Default value can be set through plugin settings. Shortcode Usage: [footnotes title="My Custom Footnotes Title"] // or [footnotes title="false"] Listing by Theme Inclusion: You can print the footnotes by calling print_refs function from the advanced_footnotes class. Simple Function Usage: call_user_func(array('advanced_footnotes', 'print_refs')); Additional Parameters: Function Usage with Parameters: $footnotes = call_user_func_array(array('advanced_footnotes', 'print_refs'), array(false, 'Custom Footnotes Title')); Plugin Options: You can access the plugin options through "Options/Advanced Footnotes". HTML Structure & Classes Anchors: Numeric Anchor: {number - automatically incremented by the order} Non-numeric Anchor: footnote symbol References: Non-numbered references are listed before the numbered references on the list. {Title} Known Issues Contribution


Install and activate Advanced Footnotes like any other plugin.


  • WYSIWYG editor button.
  • WYSIWYG dialog.
  • Plugin options.
  • Simple usage.


Can I implement Advanced Footnotes on my theme?

Yes you can. You can either get the footnotes as an object array, or simply print it with the Advanced Footnotes\' functions.

Can I use Advanced Footnotes without editing my theme files?

Yes, you can simply use [footnote]your note here[/footnote] shortcode for each footnote you want to place, and [footnotes] shortcode to use put the footnotes wherever you want them to be.


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