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AfterPay for WooCommerce

开发者 krokedil
更新时间 2017年5月4日 06:39
PHP版本: 4.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce ecommerce e-commerce afterpay


1.0.1 1.0.2 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2


With this extension you get access to AfterPay's three payment methods - Invoice, Part Payment and Account - in Sweden & Norway. Get started More information on how to get started can be found in the plugin documentation.


  1. Download and unzip the latest release zip file.
  2. If you use the WordPress plugin uploader to install this plugin skip to step 4.
  3. Upload the entire plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Administration.
  5. Go to --> WooCommerce --> Settings --> Checkout and configure your AfterPay settings.


Which countries does this payment gateway support?

Sweden is the only available country at the moment. Norway will be added in short.

Where can I find AfterPay for WooCommerce documentation?

For help setting up and configuring AfterPay for WooCommerce please refer to our documentation.

Where can I get support?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the Plugin Forum. If you need help with installation and configuration Krokedil offer premium (paid) support. More information about our concierge service can be found on the AfterPay for WooCommerce product page.


1.1.2 - 2017.01.21 1.1.1 - 2016.11.28 1.1 - 2016.11.01 1.0.2 - 2016.06.17 1.0.1 1.0