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ALTCHA Spam Protection

更新时间 2025年2月28日 14:16
PHP版本: 7.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


recaptcha captcha spam anti-spam antispam gdpr anti-bot hcaptcha altcha


1.1.0 1.16.0 1.17.0 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.13.1 1.2.0 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.4.0 0.3.2 1.0.0 1.9.0 1.6.1 1.9.1 1.9.3 1.10.0 1.14.0 1.5.0 1.9.2 1.11.1 1.12.0 1.14.1 1.6.0 1.11.0 1.13.0 1.15.0


ALTCHA provides a free, open-source Captcha alternative utilizing a proof-of-work mechanism to safeguard your website against spam and unwanted content. Our anti-spam solution ensures robust spam protection without compromising user privacy. Unlike other solutions, ALTCHA is free, open-source, and self-hosted. It operates independently without external services, avoids the use of cookies and fingerprinting, refrains from user tracking, and maintains full compliance with GDPR regulations.


Download, install and activate ALTCHA Spam Protection. To use the Spam Filter, create an API Key and configure it in the Settings. Alternatively, install the plugin manually:
  1. Download the .zip from the Releases.
  2. Upload altcha folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Review the settings and enable the your integrations


  • Configuration
  • Protection on the login page
  • Protection with WPForms
  • Floating UI Captcha


1.17.0 1.16.0 1.15.0 1.14.1 1.14.0 1.13.1 1.13.0 1.12.0 1.11.1 1.11.0 1.10.0 1.9.3 1.9.2 1.9.1 1.9.0 1.8.0 1.7.0 1.6.1 1.6.0 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.0 0.3.0 0.2.1 0.2.0 0.1.7 0.1.6 0.1.5 0.1.4 0.1.3 0.1.2 0.1.1 0.1.0