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Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer

开发者 Pete Williams
更新时间 2013年7月24日 06:13
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.2


post widget posts plugin links page affiliate affiliate marketing earn money javascript admin amazon associate ecommerce revenue money associates internet marketing


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.6 1.6.1 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.9 1.1


This plugin not only automatically changes any Amazon link on your site to use your affiliate ID, but it also changes the link to point to the user's local Amazon store. So if your visitor is visiting from the UK they'll get a link to, if they're visiting from the US they'll get a link to the same product on All you have to do is provide all your affiliate IDs. It doesn't matter if the link is in your post, in your template or anywhere else on your page - it'll be converted automatically. If you find this plugin helpful and it's increasing your sales, please consider donating just £1 or more to say thanks for the many, many hours I've spent on it. I'd really appreciate it! Disclosure: If you don't have an affiliate account with one of the Amazon countries and leave its setting blank, the script will use mine. It'll never overwrite your affiliate IDs though, so don't worry - you'll never lose any revenue.


  1. Upload the amazon_affiliate_link_localizer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Enter your Affiliate IDs under the settings page


1.5 Increase your conversion rate with the latest version. Support for new Amazon sites added. It also now searches by title for any items not found with the same product ID. 1.5.1 Bug fix: upgrade immediately to increase conversions. 1.6 Dramatically improved geolocation accuracy by adding a secondary geolocation service as a fallback for when the Google geolocation API is unable to detect someone's location. 1.6.1 Important updated to reflect a change in how Amazon now handles 404 errors. Update to ensure the correct link is always used. 1.7 Added support for new Spanish site 1.7.1 Added workaround for sites with poorly formed URL rewrites which prevents some links from changing 1.7.2 Fixed bug that meant that some local sites weren't being redirected to if an ID wasn't supplied for it. 1.7.3 Various minor improvements and fixes. Upgrade now to increase your conversion rates. 1.7.4 Minor bug fixes to fix some more obscure links 1.8 Important update to prevent behind-the-scenes URL calls from logging against your affiliate ID. Upgrade now to increase your conversion rates. 1.8.1 Bug fix to previous version. Urgent update 1.8.2 Minor bug fix - only effects repeated links 1.8.3 Maintenance release. Updated recommended. 1.9 Added support for new Amazon India site ( and made various other improvements and fixes. Important update.


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.6 1.6.1 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.9