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开发者 Amithings
更新时间 2014年9月10日 10:18
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


information view amithings upl vspace orbit web id webname


1.0 1.2 1.1


The Amithings WordPress Plugin was created to help publishers display Information from Amithings in their blogs using shortcodes within Posts and Pages. In Amithings, you have the ability to view any Information in many standards, shapes and formats, such as HTML pages, HTML tables and web controls, XML, JSON, Excel, PDF, DOC, Charts, Graphics, Videos, Music, Playlists, Books, Slideshows, Gallery Pages, Todo lists, and much more. Just use the shortcode below in your HTML editor in Admin Panel: [amithings upl="{list of UPL functions separated by dots}"] Examples: [amithings upl="information(world-english-bible)"] [amithings address="yes" border="yes" upl="information(world-english-bible)"] For those who doesn't know what is UPL, it is a kind of URL Programming Language, a set of functions to be used in the browser URL in order to retrieve, transform and visualize Information from Amithings. You will find more info about UPL at Amithings website in the Help section, here: Parameters address - Shows the address bar with the UPL. Accepts only "yes" and "no". Default: "no". border - Shows a border outside the contents. Accepts only "yes" and "no". Default: "no". container - HTML element used as container to the contents. The only parameter accepted is "iframe". Default: "iframe". height - Sets the height of the contents. Integer values will be assigned in pixels but you may try using one of these units: em, cm, ex, in, mm, pc, pt and px. Default: "auto". scrolling - Specifies whether or not to display scrollbars around the contents. Accepts "auto", "yes" and "no". Default: "auto". upl - List of UPL functions separated by dots. width - Sets the width of the contents. Integer values will be assigned in pixels but you may try using one of these units: em, cm, ex, in, mm, pc, pt and px. Default: "100%".


  1. Download the plugin and unzip it.
  2. Upload the folder /amithings/ to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the plugin from your WordPress Admin Panel.
  4. Installation finished.
OR Upload the Amithings plugin to your Blog in your WordPress Admin Panel, and then activate it.


1.1 (The first update of this plugin) 1.0 (The first release of this plugin)