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Developer charlottegenius
Update Time Dec. 3, 2012, 2:57 a.m.
Donation URL: donation
PHP Version: 2.7 +
WordPress Version: 3.4


post posts plugin page dashboard tracking pages admin stats visitors views analytics track traffic visitor view wp pageviews stat analytic visits pageview hits chart graph



With Analytic Stats you can track your visitors in a simple and effective way. To see stats and analytics of your site login to WP Panel -> Stats 9 Great Modules
  1. Latest Hits
  2. Latest Search Terms
  3. Latest Referrers
  4. Latest Feeds
  5. Latest Spiders
  6. Latest Spam Bots
  7. Visitor Spy
  8. Bot Spy
  9. URL Monitoring


  1. Download Analytic
  2. Upload analytic/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
After an update, please deactivate and activate the plugin to make sure all database settings are up to date.