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Anonymous Posting

开发者 wlk
更新时间 2009年11月20日 15:09
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.6


anonymous post recaptcha captcha anonymous posting anon



It allows anonymous users/readers to write their own posts, writing is protected with reCAPTCHA. Plugin can be used for some kind of message board or public forum, you can configure comments under anonymous posts. Writing is avaialbe via special page/post. To setup page for writing anonymous posts do the following:
  1. Create new page/post.
  2. Name it as you want, write some text to be displayed above the data form
  3. Add custom field to this page (it is located in the lower part of new post page): 'anonPost' and set it to 'true' (no quotes)
Configuration options are explained on "Installation" page. API key for reCAPTCHA is required to use reCAPTCHA. plugin page: If you know CSS please contact me, so I'll make 'new anonymous post' page look better:)


Upload the AnonPost plugin to your blog, activate it, then edit this plugin to select options you want to use. Options are located in the beginning of the anonpost.php file. List of options: (other options are explained in file itself)


1.3 1.2 1.0.2 Improved php 1.0.1 Small html code fixes 1.0 First public relase of AnonPost plugin