You are loosing 200 million users, not with us!
We guess you've heard already about AdBlock. It's a small tool, preventing that users got any advertisements displayed.
It's causing a damage not only for advertisers - it's causing also damage for you.
Each AdBlock user is a user you can't monetize and due to that fact you will loose money. But do you have to loose?
No - We provides you an outstanding resolving for this.
We build a flexible and innovative solution for preventing that Ads on your website get inflected and blocked by AdBlock.
We saw already one first tests that using our tool is not only increasing the traffic on your website - it's also nearly doubling the eCPM with the current traffic you have without that any big changes had to be done on your end.
With just a couple of small steps you can take the advantage of our anti AdBlock solution.
So what are you waiting for?
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
- Upload WP Multi-User Anti-AdBlocker
- Activate Anti Adblock Adspaces from your Plugins page.
- The widget will now be available in the 'Appearance -> Widgets' page, you can add the new Anti Adblock Adspaces widget to a sidebar of your Theme.