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Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)

开发者 filiw
更新时间 2014年11月3日 23:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0.0


comments captcha spam bot protect filter anti-spam register blocker bots anti-captcha botblocker attack


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Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction. It is based on a nonce key, which is dynamically inserted using randomly generated (and obfuscated) javascript. The aim of this plugin is to prevent automated attacks (by bots) on the following WordPress actions: When a comment is posted without a valid Anti-Captcha token, it shall be instantly marked as spam. This way, you can always manually approve this comment in hindsight if it appeared to be sincere.


To install simply:
  1. Upload the 'anti-captcha' folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件


Is javascript required by the user?

Yes, however this sounds worse then it is. Generally, it's frowned upon if you don't write javascript in an unobstructive way. The reason for this is that some visitors don't support javascript but should still be able to get around your website. AFAIK there are four types of user-agents not supporting javascript:

  • Search-engine spider bots
  • Users of a command-line browser (like Lynx)
  • Users who actively disabled javascript in their browser
  • Mischievous bots trying to spam or hack into your blog
Obviously, search-engines don't need to comment, register or login so they can be ruled out. Lynx users and users with javascript disabled are likely to be a very small percentage of the internet population, who have actively excluded themselves from certain webfeatures. Finally, badly behaving bots, is what the Anti-Captcha plugin is trying to block.


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