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App LiberaChat

开发者 kiwichat
更新时间 2024年4月24日 00:31
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget chat embed live chat irc embedded webchat kiwi kiwiirc nextclient irc client libera libera chat liberachat app-liberachat


1.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.1


How to use App LiberaChat… To use this plugin:
  1. simply download and extract it into your plugins folder
  2. configure your settings in the WordPress dashboard
  3. then drop the short tag [kiwi_liberachat] into your page or post. Instantly your users will be able to stay connected via IRC.


From Dashboard ( WordPress admin ) using FTP or similar


  • Capture App LiberaChat Online Chat
  • App LiberaChat Connected In Chat
  • Capture App LiberaChat Home Screen
  • Capture App LiberaChat Online Chat
  • App LiberaChat Connected In Chat
  • Capture App LiberaChat Home Screen
  • Capture App LiberaChat Online Chat


Stable version: 1.0.2


Do you need an advanced webchat for your website?

If you have a website and want to configure your webchat more to your liking, use our plugin with which you can create a chat for your website and configure it at any time.

What is a webchat?

Webchats are irc clients that are inside your web browser. They are useful in situations where you cannot install apps on the computer you are using.

Is it necessary to register?

You do not need to sign up for anything to connect to Libera.Chat using the webchat. However, as indicated on its official page, once connected, some things may require you to be registered and logged in to the network services.

Do you have something to say? Do you need help?

Support App LiberaChat LiberaChat WordPress GitHub Page App LiberaChat LiberaChat GitHub


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub If you find bugs or want to improve some parts of the plugin, you can do so by opening a issue o pull request


1.0.0 Initial release. 1.0.1 Up to: 6.1 1.0.2 Corrections of small errors.