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Social Proof, WordPress Lead Generation Opt in,Exit-intent Email Popup , Emoji Feedback – Apprised

开发者 iambilalazhar
更新时间 2019年10月5日 11:29
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.1.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.3
版权: proprietary


sales marketing conversion exit-intent popups email marketing promotion notifications feedback woocommerce sales orders social proof score feedback recent purchase live sales feed email subscriptions email collection emoji feedback count down timer




It is a known fact that Social Proof helps in creating FOMO ( Fear of Missing Out) and pushes website visitors to signup or make a purchase. Social is proof is used by all kinds of websites including Hotels, Restaurants, SaaS applications, E-commerce websites to increase their sales and conversions. Apprised helps you show recent conversions (Social proof notifications) to your website visitors easily with a 5 minute setup. Additionally Apprised offers many other notifications to help you collect emails,feedback,phone numbers from your customers. FEATURES: There are 14 different notifications in Apprised right now. They are as follows Recent Activity ( Social Proof Notification) Active Visitor Counter ( Social Proof Notification ) Conversion Counter- Shows total number of number of conversions in a specific period of time to create fomo ( Social Proof Notification) Email Optin Popup Count Down Timer Email Optin Latest Reviews Notification Emoji Feedback Score Feedback (NPS Survey) Video Notifications Cookie Notification Informational Notification Coupon Codes Popup Call me back widget Social Share Apprised works seemlesly with Woocommerce, if you want to show your recent purchases on your woocommerce website just install it and set it up in few minutes and we will start showing social proof notifications to your website visitors


Installing Apprised on your website is very easy. It works perfectly with Woocommerce and Wordpress. Apprised is a subscription based service with a free forever plan. You can manage your subscriptions and other settings at Apprised Website ( Click logo in the settings). Instructions:
  1. Sign up at Apprised.
  2. Install the plugin through the Wordpress plugins screen OR unzup the plugin archive to '/wp-content/plugins'.
  3. In the Wordpress 'Plugins' page, activate the plugin.
  4. Select "Apprised" menu item on the sidebar.
  5. Copy over your API key from Apprised "Install Pixel" page and hit "Save".
  6. In the Apprised dashboard, create new campaign and follow the wizard to setup your notifications.
  7. If you want to use it with woocommerce turn on Woocommerce otpion in Data capture tab of Latest Conversion Notification.
  8. Launch your campaign, sit back and watch your sales grow.


  • Emoji Feedback Notification.
  • Install Pixel Page
  • Email Optin Notification in action.
  • Live visitor notification in action.
  • Campaign Settings
  • Notification Settings
  • Feedback Notification
  • Conversion Counter Notification.
  • Email Optin Notification.
  • Emoji Feedback Notification.
  • Install Pixel Page
  • Email Optin Notification in action.
  • Live visitor notification in action.


1.0.0 First version. == Upgrade Notice == All versions are backwards compatible and included in your plan.