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Articles Protection

开发者 askie
更新时间 2010年2月21日 00:50
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.9.1


post article protect copyright



Your original article is often acquired by network procedure gatherers.It is hard for you to stop such theft. Now,this plug-in can help you prevent your original article from being copied by network stealing procedure.The functions of this plug are as follows: 1.Encrypt your article against network gatherers. 2.The articles that readers will read are the same with the ones you wrote,and the encrypted articles will not affect readers. 3.The pirates can not read the encrypted articles. 4.The encrypted articles will still be recorded by search engine. 5.Add article links to unfixed location. 6.Add copyright links to the end of the articles. 在网络上,你的原创文章经常被别人使用程序采集,对于这样子的偷盗行为你很难阻止。现在这款插件来帮助你阻止你的原创文章被网络偷盗程序复制。该插件的功能如下: 1.将你的文章对网络采集者进行加密。 2.加密后的文章对读者来说没有任何影响,读者看到的文章与你的写文章完全一致。 3.对于盗版者来说,加密后的文章是无法阅读的。 4.加密后的文章不影响搜索引擎收录。 5.在文章中不固定的位置加入文章链接。 6.在文章末尾加入文章版权链接。


only Upload and activate, nothing to do next!