Manual installation
At a command prompt or using a file manager, unzip the .ZIP file in the WordPress plugins directory, usually ~/public_html/wp-content/plugins . In the In the WordPress admin Dashboard (usually dmin ) click Plugins, scroll to ASD Products, and click "activate".
Upload in Dashboard
Download the ZIP file to your workstation. In the WordPress admin Dashboard (usually ) Select Plugins, Add New, click Upload Plugin, Choose File and navigate to the downloaded ZIP file. After that, click Install Now, and when the installer finishes, click Activate Plugin.
2.201901281 2019-01-28
Tweak Submodule Updates
Tweak Updated codesniffer audit
2.201812101 2018-12-10
Tweak Submodule Updates
Fix class-asd-addcustomposts no longer uses posts_per_page=-1
2.201808181 2018-08-20
*Tweak The asd-admin-menu and register-site-data function libraries now are version sensitive, so that the lastest version will always be loaded, even when mixed versions are present. This allows mixed versions of plugins which use these libraries to peacefully coexist.
2.201808065 2018-08-06
Tweak plugin now set up to use cuztom library, class and parent classes based definitions for defining and adding custom "product" post types. This chenge is entirely internal, class is the same in Dashboard and front end.
Tweak using shared asd-admin-menu.php
Tweak using shared register-site-data.php
Tweak taxonomy-filters are rolled into custom post parent class and are no longer loaded as standalone functions.
*Fix wrapperclasses closing div comments were incorrect
1.201804101 2018-04-10
- Tweak changed taxonomy-filters.php for use in all other plugins
1.201804021 2018-04-02
- Fix fixes applied that were found while working up asd_pagesections
- Fix found and fixed potential bug in wrapperclasses
1.20180321 2018-03-22
- Tweak added short_content() to get a specific excerpt, with balanced tags
- Tweak also added fourth built-in shortcode template to handle it
1.201803171 2018-03-17
- Fix change sanitize_text_field to sanitize_textarea_field, so that hard returns are preserved.
1.201803152 2018-03-15
- Tweak applied codesniffer phpcs with WordPress ruleset standard, zero errors, zero warnings remain
1.201803131 (Second RC) 2018-03-13
- Tweak Replaced clumsy and error-prone leading/trailing HTML class fields with single wrapper classes field, added code to sanitize and embed these classes into leading and trailing
1.201803113 2018-03-11