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Atlas – Knowledge Base

开发者 sakurapixel
更新时间 2020年8月26日 15:30
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.4
版权: GPLv2 or later


support faq helpdesk customers knowledge base knowledgebase suggestions tutorials wiki


1.0.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


Atlas – WP – Knowledgebase plugin helps you create a self-serve online library of information about a product, service, department, or topic, helping you to reduce your support volume and increase customer satisfaction. Atlas comes with a modern look and feel and two beautifully designed, mobile-ready themes to match your brand. Preview/Showcase NOTE Atlas is also available in a Pro version which includes the "Startup layout" and much more functionality. (lifetime license) General features Sidebars Widgets NOTE! Sidebars and widgets work with the Startup frontend style. NOTE! Currently, Atlas supports only one category level, we believe that’s a better user experience for both frontend users and admin editors. Categories do have three extra custom fields that are being used within the frontend (Color, Font Icon, and Image). NOTE! To use font icons with categories make sure you enable FontAwesome from the settings page. Prioritizing user experience on your knowledgebase page


  • Atlas Knowledge base - Intercom style - home
  • Atlas Knowledge base - Intercom style - category
  • Atlas Knowledge base - Startup style
  • Atlas Knowledge base - Startup style - category
  • Atlas Knowledge base - Startup style - document
  • Atlas Knowledge base - admin
  • Atlas Knowledge base - admin - settings

