A block for embedding a beautiful audio player on the WordPress website. It supports multiple audios as a playlist and you can select a single audio file to make a non playlist player.
Key Features
- Audio Play/Pause: Play selected audio and pause others; click again to pause the current audio.
Pro Features
- Customize 5 Different Themes: Add 5 new themes with different looks and settings.
- Music Auto Play: Automatically start playing the audio when the player loads.
- Navigation Prev/Next: Easily navigate to the previous or next track in the playlist.
- Current & Total Time Display: Shows the current & total playback time of the audio track.
- Input Range Thumb: Customize the style of the range slider thumb for seeking.
- Playback Speed Control: Enable or disable playback speed adjustment options.
- Download Icon: Add an option to download the audio file directly from the player.
- Forward & Backward Button Visibility: Show or hide the forward & backward button for skipping parts of the track.
- Artist Opacity: Control the transparency of the artist's name display.
- Thumbnail Border & Radius: Customize the border & radius of the track's thumbnail image.
- Input Range Height & Radius: Adjust the height & radius of the seek range slider.
- Controls Border & Hover Border: Customize the border & hover border style of the player controls.
- Time Display Radius: Customize the corner radius of the time display boxes.
- Thumb Width, Radius, Outline & Shadow: Adjust the width, radius, outline & shadow of the seek range slider thumb.
- Wave Normal & Light Color: Set the base color & light of the audio waveform.
- Playlist Border & Radius: Customize the border and corner radius of the playlist displayed below the lite audio player.
- Shortcode Functionality: Add this block anywhere with shortcode.
How to use
- First, install the Audio Player Block plugin
- Add the Audio Player Block from the block category called "Widgets" in the Gutenberg editor.
- You can change block settings from the right-side settings sidebar.
- Enjoy!
- For installation help click on Installation Tab
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