Hides the video area and show only the controls.
Easy setup page with examples of the shortcode usage.
Flash Only with no fallback to HTML5.
Check the
Shortcode options
- id -> Required! YouTube video ID
- bar -> Progress bar (yes or no, default = yes)
- time -> Timer (yes or no, default = yes)
- tiny -> Minimal player, not compatible with Progress Bar (yes or no, default = no)
- size -> Extended sizes (small, medium or large, default = small)
- invisible -> Hidden player (yes or no, default = no)
- auto -> Autoplay (yes or no, default = no)
- loop -> Loop (yes or no, default = no)
- theme -> Player color, will override plugin options (dark or light, default = dark)
- start -> Start time in seconds
- Português
- Español
- Turkish (thanks to ra.
Based on Navarr Barnier's PHP script
YouTube Audio Player.
Extract the zip file and upload the contents to the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation, and then activate the plugin from plugins page.
If you delete the plugin, the entry will be deleted automatically via unsinstall.php
Released under GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog.
Plugin waveform image by