This plugin for WordPress will read your productions on using the Auphonic service (via API) and pull the last 10 productions
into WordPress automatically. It will create a post with enclosure, with the category you choose, and you have the option
to put them in Published, or Draft mode to allow edits and add pictures, etc…and then publish.
- Title of the production from Auphonic will be the Title of your post in WordPress.
- The Summary (Description) of the Production in Auphonic will be the body of your WordPress post.
- Any Tags you put in your Auphonic preset or production will come over to WordPress as Tags.
- This plugin only recognizes Productions from Auphonic that produce an url with a file type of mp3, mp4, and m4a.
- If you are using Dropbox as a service in Auphonic to place your file for example, you may not get an url directly to your file and it therefore will not be imported.