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AURPAY Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) – Bitcoin Crypto Payment Gateway

更新时间 2022年10月19日 12:18
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0.2
版权: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version
版权网址: 版权信息


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1.0.18 1.0.16 1.0.17 1.0.11 1.0.12 1.0.13 1.0.14 1.0.15 1.0.8 1.0.10 1.0.1 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.9


Aurpay provides safer, non-custodial, global, instant crypto payment for Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) merchants. Any cryptocurrency options are converted to fiat rates at real-time exchange rates. Payment processing fees are much lower than any digital payment methods you have ever seen in the marketplace. Aurpay WordPress Plugin for Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) Features – Sign up [youtube] Aurpay helps merchants:
  1. Increase market expansion for a global customer base
  2. Settlement instantly, no exchange rate loss.
  3. Protect your funds using smart contract, non-custodial, we don't hold your keys.
🔥 Plugin features You can place a test order in Demo store. 🔗 For more product features, please visit our official website here, or sign up to get a merchant account. The [first 100 merchants] will get crypto reward, the [first 50 payments are free!] 🪙 Currently support ⚙️ Quick and easy setup in less a minute
  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New within your WordPress admin page.
  2. Install and activate Aurpay.
  3. Get PublicKey from your Aurpay merchant dashboard.
  4. Save the key in Aurpay payment settings, you're all set.
🌏 Aurpay is available for store owners and merchants in more than 100+ countries/regions with more being added. ✨ Why choose Aurpay Aurpay has no setup fees, no subscription fees, no hidden costs, no chargebacks. Pure non-custodial, no third party charge, all transactions are peer-to-peer. Merchants send [crypto payment link directly to customers with no middleman, no code required.] Apply to become a partner via if you have merchant resources, you will earn commission on each transaction merchants made. Checkout our partner program to increase your margin of merchant resources monetization. 🔍 Follow setup on YouTube Checkout this video tutorial or contact us via if you have any questions during setup.


  • Setup Aurpay to accept crypto payment, it’s a revenue platform that lets you solve for today, and scale for tomorrow.
  • Select a crypto and pay.


Do you have any support email for extra questions?

  • Yes, we offer [24/7 live customer support] via Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

What kind of other platforms do you support?

  • We support ecommerce websites including [EDD, Paid Memberships Pro (PMP), Woocommerce, Shopify, Wix, Opencart, Bigcommerce, Ecwid] and more platforms are coming as well.
  • Not just ecommerce websites, you can integate our [payment button] to any website, or send [payment links] to anyone even without a website.

How long does it take to get my crypto settlement?

  • Near instant, you can deposit crypto to your wallet at any time without chargeback, fraud or convert stablecoin to USD of your free will, with no problem at all!!!

How much do you charge, is it much less than other crypto payment gateways or PayPal,Stripe, etc.

  • We charge far more less than 1%, and it can go as low as 0.5% or even lower, contact us via to get more discount on how much we charge, it is negotiable for sure!!
  • PayPal and third-party payment gateway charge 2-4% on each transaction with a long settlement period. Other crypto payment gateways charge more than 1%!!!

Can customers pay with cryptocurrencies with registering on my ste?

  • Of course!  Your customers only need to scan QR code to pay cryptocurrencies. No account needed. You can even send a payment link to customers with one click.

Which cryptocurrency wallet do you support?

  • We support all cryptocurrency wallet with public keys, Aurbyt(stablecoin USDC wallet, buy/sell USDC), Metamask, Trust wallet, hardware wallet and more!


1.0.0 New: Initial realease, Aurpay Crypto Payment for Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) merchants.