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Authorize by IP

开发者 hebeisenconsulting
更新时间 2012年7月6日 18:11
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2


ip authorize ip blocking temporary page 301 redirect page redirect page


1.0 1.1


Authorize by IP allows access to a wordpress website behind an existing website based on the visitor's IP. This is especially useful during the development of a new wordpress website, allowing access to the client to view progress. The plugin will authorize their computer with a cookie allowing prolonged access. The plugin lets you specify where non authorized visitors are redirected to, or to a custom under construction page.


  1. Upload authorize-by-ip folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory OR through wp-admin, upload in plugin 'Add New' page.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Settings can be found under 'Setting' menu at the left side of wp-admin.


What is the purpose of this plugin?

The main purpose of this plugin is to hide a wordpress site from public while still in development. Those involved in the development can supply their IP to gain access.

How does it works?

Upon activating, all IPs are blocked from accessing the wordpress website. You need to specify authorized IPs and an alternative site to be redirected to for unauthorized visitors.

Can it block IP by country?

Currently, no. You only have to specify IP addresses specifically.


1.1 1.0