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Authors as Taxonomy

开发者 mark-k
更新时间 2017年12月16日 16:32
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


Authors Multiple Authors calmPress Security




Decouple authors from users. Instead of using users as authors use a special taxonomy for it. The plugin gives a simple way to have "guest author", user generated content, multiple authors, or any other setting in which you might not want to give people access permissions to the admin side of WordPress but still want to give credit to the author and have some way to aggregate his/hers posts on the site. You can combine this plugin with any other plugin which prevent user enumeration to prevent user name leakage and Read more on the plugins main page Documentation Contribute Pull Requests, bug reports and/or enhancement suggestions are welcome at


After installing the plugin via your favorite installation method, you will probably want to go over existing posts, and create and associate authors with them. In the case you have many posts, and a theme that displays author informtion (why would you use the plugin otherwise ;) ) and do not feel the need to have an author associated with all of them, you will probably want to modify your theme to display author information only when it is not "empty".


1.0.0 - December 16th 2017