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Auto Fill Form Fields

开发者 trainingbusinesspros
更新时间 2017年5月10日 04:51
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


forms web infusionsoft gravity forms contact form 7 cf7 auto fill auto populate



What It Does This plugin does 1 thing and 1 simple thing only. If you pass info through the URL, say it will fill fields associated with firstname and lastname with John and Doe respectively. How to use it You have to know what the fields name or id value is. At the end of the URL type ?name_of_field=value&or_id_of_field=value. Compatibility Compatible with all web-form builders, html 4 or 5, really this is so simple it works with everything. Best Uses This is extremely useful if you're a CRM user. Such as Infusionsoft or MailChimp. For example using merge fields in Infusionsoft to send people to personalized pages through Email Links. If you're an Infusionsoft user, pass info to a landing page by using the following syntex in your link. ?inf_field_FirstName=~Contact.FirstName~&inf_field_Email=~Contact.Email~


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. Method 1:
  1. Upload via Plugins -> the Add New page
  2. Install and Activate
  3. Start using!
Method 2:
  1. Upload to wp-content/plugins/
  2. extract .zip file contents
  3. Go to All Plugins page
  4. Activate and start using.


Does it do anything other than auto-populate fields?


Does it work with any forms?

Yes, as long as the form fields have a name or id and the URL identifier is the same as the id or name. If you don't know how to find out what the id or name is, then right-click on the field and click 'inspect'. That will tell you.


1.2 Small bug fix 1.0 First public release version