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Avalon23 Products Filter for WooCommerce

开发者 paradigmatools
更新时间 2025年3月3日 02:21
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4
版权: GPLv3 or later.


woocommerce ACF filter products ajax filter category filter products filter woocommerce products filter Avalon23 ACF filter Avalon woocommerce price filter attributes filter advanced product filters meta filter



An effective filter is one of the most important functions of an online store. Make sure your customer can always find what they’re searching for in your store with the Avalon23 Products Filter for WooCommerce! This is a new filtering plugin that will suit most store types. additional features Latest PHP 8.x - COMPATIBLE! Demo site : Demo auto parts store : Short demo of plugin settings: Avalon23 Products Filter Features: ✅  Image Map This is a filter type - an image with filter elements located on it. Demo "Types or Ship from" ✅  Save search query(filter memory) This function allows the user to save the search query. And when switching to another page or if the user visits the page the next day, the filter selection will remain. Demo "Filter with memory" ✅  QR code of current search This feature displays the QR code of the current search query. Docs "QR code" Demo "QR of search" ✅  SEO links The search query can have a human-readable form in the URL. An example:  And the plugin also has SEO settings that improve the indexing of pages with search results. ✅  Mobile behavior Filter Location Changes for Mobile Devices. Popup sidebar (left/right) or in content ✅  Dynamic calculation The plugin will show relevant filters depending on the current search query or category page ✅  ACF filter Filtering by fields of this type: Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Select, Radio Button, Button Group, True/False, Date Time Picker ✅  Hierarchy dropdown This type of filter only works with hierarchical taxonomy. You can see how it works here Demo1 AND Demo2This type of filter has the feature of switching the image depending on the hierarchy level(You can check  it  here "Tyres"). This helps the user to correctly navigate the search. ✅  Performance The plugin has options to optimize CSS and JS files. Also caching which reduces the number of queries to the database. Also, flexible configuration of each filter element will allow you to optimize queries by disabling dynamic recalculation where it is not needed. ✅  Text search by attribute Text search can work not only by title and description of products, but also by taxonomies(Attributes, Categories, Tags) and custom field ✅  Flexibility The ability to customize the width, state, visibility of each filter depending on the screen width of the current device ✅  Predefinition allows to display filter that adapts to the current request by default. ✅  WCAG 2.0 ✅  Searc logic IN – standard logic – shows all products that have at least one of the selected terms. AND – shows products that have all of the selected terms. NOT IN – exclude products that have at least one of the selected terms ✅  Universality Plugin can filter by: Price, title, category, attributes, tags, custom taxonomies, meta(custom) fields, product dimensions, date, SKU, etc... ✅  Skins Filters can have different color schemes. And you can also choose custom filter colors to suit the design of your theme. ✅  Ajax mode Fast and light Ajax filtering. In this mode, filtering occurs without reloading the page. This feature depends on the current theme ✅  Many types of filters checkbox, radio, slider, datepicker, labels, select, multi select, tesxt input, hierarchical dropdown, image(in full version), color(in full version) ✅  The filter can be displayed in the widget or in the content as a shortcode SEO links settings You can get full version of the plugin here: WOOCOMMERCE



  • The plugin settings
  • The filter settings
  • The meta field settings
  • Widget
  • Image Map


This is the first version.

更新日志: php 8.2 compatibility 1.1.4 Mobile behavior CSS fix 1.1.3 QR generator 1.1.2 live search style fixing security fix 1.1.0 toggled child elements synchronization between filters bug fixing bug fixes 1.0.9 new filter type Image Map Optimization 1.0.8 new feature Custom skin 1.0.7 new features filter memory new feature Search parameters in URL new feature SEO rules and SEO optimization bug fixes 1.0.5 new features Custom HTML, Avalon23 content Search by text in taxonomies WPML compatibility images in hierarchical dropdown 1.0.4 bug fixes 1.0.3 ACF compatible Slider fix 1.0.2 Meta filter. 1.0.1 Plugin release.