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Plugin Name

开发者 nayon46
更新时间 2024年1月7日 11:02
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


newsticker wordpress newsticker widget newsticker



news Ticker is a multi-functional data display plugin. Easily add custom news tickers to your site either through shortcodes, direct functions, or in a custom Ditty News Ticker Widget. News Ticker is a free, flat, stylish, modern, easy to use and flexible wordpress jQuery news ticker. If you have a magazine or blogging site then then it's a highly recommend plugin for your website/blog.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)


  • This is the third screen shot
  • This is the fourth screen shot
  • This is the second screen shot
  • This is the third screen shot
  • This is the fourth screen shot
  • This is the second screen shot
  • This is the third screen shot


1.0 Upgrade notices describe the reason a user should upgrade. No more than 300 characters. 0.5 This version fixes a security related bug. Upgrade immediately.


A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.

What about foo bar?

Answer to foo bar dilemma.


1.0 0.5