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Aye Aye Frame

开发者 utcwebdesign
更新时间 2011年9月20日 15:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


html iframe strip tags



Wordpress is such an awesome tool that it even strips some HTML, such as iframes, as a security measure. Unfortunately sometimes we need to use iframes so Aye Aye Frame gives you back that freedom with the use of a shortcode [ayeframe]. Simply wrap the url you would like to feature in the custom shortcode - [ayeframe]YOUR URL HERE[/ayeframe] and hey presto! you have an iframe on your Wordpress blog. The code or url you insert between the shortcode tags is the equivalent of the 'src' section of the iframe code. Customise your Aye Aye Frame As with normal iframes, extra parameters can be added to customise the size, borders and other elements. Any, all or none of these parametres may be used. Extra parameters 'width' = Takes a number to customise the width of the iframe. Default = 250 'height' = Takes a number to customise the height of the iframe. Default = 250 'frameborder' = Specifies whether to add a border to the iframe (0 = no, 1 = yes). Default = 0 'marginheight' = Specifies the top and bottom margins of an iframe. Default = 0 'marginwidth' = Specifies the left and right margins of an iframe. Default = 0 'name' = Specifies the name of the iframe. Default = No default 'scrolling' = Specifies whether or not to display scrollbars in an iframe (yes, no, auto). Default = auto 'id'= Specifies the id of your iframe. No default 'class' = Specifies the class name of your iframe. Default = No default 'title' = Specifies the title of your iframe. No default Example usage of extra parameters [ayeframe width=500 height=500 frameborder=1 marginheight=5 marginwidth=5 name=myFrameName scrolling=0 id=myFrameID class=myFrameClass title=myFrameTitle]http://www.my_ayeframe_url[/ayeframe] Any questions? Aye Aye Frame was created just for fun (thats right, FUN!) by Christian Senior at but if you have any questions or suggestions you are welcome to get in touch using the contact information on the website. Keep up to date with this plugin at


To install the plugin manually:
  1. Extract the contents of the archive (zip file)
  2. Upload the folder and its contents to your �/wp-content/plugins� folder
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins section in your WordPress admin panel
  4. Insert the shortcode where you want your iframe to appear
  5. Full list of extra parameters available from the Aye Aye Frame menu under the main settings menu