Helpful shortcodes with clean design, also a companion plugin for all themes available at AyeLabs. Build with developers, performance and user experience in mind.
- 20+ shortcodes
- Highly optimised, all assets are loaded only on the page shortcode is used
- Theme authors can take advantage of assets management to load assets directly in theme and exclude the assets from plugin
- Clean design
- Easily extendable & development support ( via support forums )
- Multilangual
- Works with any theme ( or plugin, if you wish so )
- 100% responsive
- Developed with love
Supported Shortcodes:
[column] - Add a column using Bootstrap style. Supports the following attributes:
* lg - Large display size
* md - Medium display size
* sm - Small display size
* xs - Extra-Small display size
* pull_lg - Pull for large display size
* pull_md - Pull for medium display size
* pull_sm - Pull for small display size
* pull_xs - Pull for extra small display size
* push_lg - Push for large display size
* push_md - Push for medium display size
* push_sm - Push for small display size
* push_xs - Push for extra small display size
* offset_lg - Offset for large display size
* offset_md - Offset for medium display size
* offset_sm - Offset for small display size
* offset_xs - Offset for extra small display size
* pricing_table - Use this attribute to define a pricing table column, give it a name as value
* pricing_highlighted - If this is the highlighted column from your table, add this empty attribute
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_tabs] - Creates tabbed content. Use it to wrap tabs created with [aye_tab]. Supports the following attributes:
- orientation - Choose the orientation of the tabs, possible options: "horizontal" and "vertical". Default is "horizontal"
** Wrap the content and [aye_tab] shortcodes inside of this shortcode **
[aye_tab] - Creates a tab content in [aye_tabs] shortcode. Supports the following attributes:
- title - Tab title
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_tab title="About You"]Describe yourself[/aye_tab]
[aye_tab title="Your Requirements"]What are your requirements?[/aye_tab]
[aye_button] - Adds a custom button. Supports the following attributes:
- url - URL the button should link to
- label - Button label
- target - Where to open the button URL. Basic target attribute values Default value is empty, but if you add an external URL the _blank target will be added automatically.
- id - Give an unique ID to the button
- postid - Link a post to the button ( 'url' attribute will be overwritten )
icon - Font Awesome icon id ( without fa- prefix )
[aye_cta] - Creates an Call to Action section. Use [aye_button] to add a button inside of the CTA section. Supports the following attributes:
position - Content position. Supports: "left", "right", "center". Default is "left"
- background - Background color. Default is "#007acc".
- color - Color for: button border, text and button label. Default is "#fff".
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_cta background="tomato"]
We have the best tomatoes!
[aye_button id="1" icon="shopping-cart" label="Buy now!"]
[aye_pricing_title] - Add a header title inside of your pricing table column. Use this shortcode inside [aye_column]. Supports the following attributes:
- title - Pricing table title ( ex. package name )
price - The price displayed on your table without currency
[aye_pricing_row] - Add a feature row inside of your pricing table column. Use this shortcode inside [aye_column]. Supports the following attributes:
content - A feature that table offers
- icon - Font Awesome icon id ( without fa- prefix )
Pricing table example with two packages:
[aye_column md="6" pricing_table="demo" pricing_highlighted="true"]
[aye_pricing_title title="Pack 1" price="$30"]
[aye_pricing_row content="Awesome feature"]
[aye_pricing_row icon="github" content="Github Compatible"]
[aye_column md="6" pricing_table="demo"]
[aye_pricing_title title="Pack 2" price="$50"]
[aye_pricing_row content="Awesome plugin"]
[aye_pricing_row icon="gitlab" content="Gitlab Compatible"]
[aye_button url="" label="Icon Button" icon="gitlab"]
Add the shortcodes without spacing between them to avoid p tag wrapping.
[aye_progress_bar]* - Create a simple progress bar. Supports the following attributes:
- percent - Percent the bar should load. From 0 to 100
- label - Text label that will be displayed insinde of the loading bar
icon - Font Awesome icon id. The icon will be displayed before label, insinde of the loading bar
[aye_message_box] - Create a message/alert box, personalized or using predefined styles. Supports the following attributes:
type - Predefined type of the box: error, warning, info, success. Don't use this attribute if personalized box is created.
text - Text the box will display
Customization attributes:
icon - Add a icon at the begining of the box.
- color - Text color
background - Background color
[aye_icon] - Add an simple inline icon. Supports the following attributes:
icon - The Font awesome icon id, without -fa prefix.
[aye_drop_capital] - Creates a drop capital letter. Supports the following attributes:
letter - The letter
- color - The letter color
font - The font-family style
[aye_blockquote] - Creates a blockquote. Supports the following attributes:
position - Choose between 'left' or 'right'. Default is 'left'.
- columns - Choose the bootstrap columns classes. Default is 'col-md-4' ( width of four columns )
- author - The quote author
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_label] - Creates a minimal text label. Supports the following attributes:
- icon - Add an icon on your label
- background - Background color
- text - Label text
- arrow - Your label can have a small arrow on the sides, pointing at something. Choose the arrow direction from: left, right, bottom and top
color - Text color
[aye_accordion] - Creates an accordion slider. Supports the following attributes:
title - Title of the box
- active - Add this attribute without a value to open the box by default
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_divider_gotop] - Creates an simple border divider with Back to top link. Supports the following attributes:
- border_color - The divider border color
- border_height - The divider border height
- color - 'Back to top' text color
margin - The top and bottom margins
[aye_divider_headline] - Creates a styled divider headline. Supports the following attributes:
border_color - The two borders color
- color - Text color
- background_color - Divider background color
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_lead_paragraph] - Transform your paragraph into a lead paragraph
wikipedia . Doesn't support any attributes.
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_tooltip] - Adds an simple tooltip to your content. Supports the following attributes:
- text - Tooltip text
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_google_font] - Wrap your content with a Google Font. Don't worry, the font will be loaded only on the pages this shortcode is used. Supports the following attributes:
- font - Google Font name ( valid example: 'Open Sans' invalid example: 'Open+Sans' )
- weight - The font weight, ex: 400. For italic style add your desired font weight followed by 'i', example for normal italic: 400i
** Wrap the content inside of this shortcode **
[aye_before_after] - Creates an before and after image slider. Supports the following attributes:
- before - Before image URL
after - After image URL
[aye_counter] - Creates a number counter. The counter starts when your page loads. Supports the following attributes:
from - The number to start counting from
- to - The number to stop counting at
- speed - The number of milliseconds it should take to finish counting
- refresh - The number of milliseconds to wait between refreshing the counter