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AZ Order

开发者 ivdimova
更新时间 2013年4月8日 20:02
PHP版本: 3.4. 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts post types



AZ Order is a simple plugin to display posts in alphabetical order according to specified post type OR category. Please add post type OR category to display the desired data. AZ Order can be used with a short code [az-order] in a regular WordPress page or post AZ Order allows you to choose the post type OR category that you want to sort in its own setting page in WordPress Dashboard


Using The WordPress Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' Plugin Dashboard
  2. Select from your computer
  3. Upload
  4. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard
  5. Navigate to AZ Order Admin tab and save the desired post type (page or your own custom post type) OR category. If there is no value the default order is sorting regular WordPress posts from all the categories.
Using FTP
  1. Extract to your computer
  2. Upload the az-order directory to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard
  4. Navigate to AZ Order Admin tab and save the desired post type (page or your own custom post type). If there is no value the default order is sorting regular WordPress posts from all the categories. == Changelog ==