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AZEXO Advertising Analytics

开发者 azexo
更新时间 2018年4月14日 17:47
PHP版本: 4.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


advertising woocommerce stats analytics report facebook roi statistic adwords chart call-tracking cross-cutting yandex direct vk roistat



This plugin collects data from CRM-system (or eCommerce-system), advertising platforms and your website. With this data it generate reports on key business indexes. Reports demo Comparing with Google Analytics: Dimensions: Metrics: Statistic models for one visitor entrances history:
  1. Effect from only last entrance (from where people make purchase decision)
  2. Effect from only first entrance (from where people find you)
  3. Equal contribution from all entrances (all channels important)
  4. U-shape contribution from all entrances (combination 1, 2 and 3)
Free-version features: Paid integrations - $200 per one integration: Request any integration - $200 per one integration:


  1. Upload the azexo_analytics folder to your plugins directory (e.g. /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Follow the instructions


  • Main report screen
  • Channel leads list
  • Lead visits history
  • Report builder
  • Marketing costs manual entering form
  • Call tracking


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