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Back in stock notifications for WooCommerce

开发者 getinnovationdev
更新时间 2023年2月28日 21:33
PHP版本: 7.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce out of stock woocommerce notifications back in stock woocommerce subscribe back in stock notifications woocommerce back in stock subscribe out of stock notify me stock


1.0.1 1.0.0


Back in stock notifications for WooCommerce it’s a WordPress plugin which extends WooCommerce by adding a Subscribe button to out of stock products. It supports simple and variable products. The button opens a modal form which can be used to subscribe for Back In stock email notifications. When the product is back in stock the plugin sends a personalized email to subscribers. Main Features ✔️ Manage the button colors ✔️ Personalize the modal/form ✔️ Personalize the emails body ✔️ Default emails content ✔️ Set up the mode: automatically / manually ✔️ Filter, generate and export subscribers in CSV format ✔️ View subscribers by product ✔️ Check each notification status ✔️ Pause specific products for sending notifications ✔️ Filter subscriptions by product ✔️ reCaptcha v2 Merge Tags The emails can be personalized with merge tags.


  1. Upload woo-stock-notify-me to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the setting page and follow the instructions


  • Settings - Subscription Form
  • Variation Product Type - Out of stock
  • Simple Product Type - Out of stock
  • Subscribe Form Modal
  • All Subscriptions
  • Settings - General
  • Merge Tags
  • Automatically Mode - NotificationSstatus
  • Manually Mode - Send Notifications


1.0.0 Just released.


What products type support?

It supports two products types: simple a variable products.

What does the manually mode?

It gives more control over the notifications. The notifications are triggered manually by administrator directly from the product page. This is the default mode.

What does the automatically mode?

You need to update only the stock. The notifications are triggered automatically by the stock status. The notifications are sent when the product is back in stock. You can still pause specific products.

I’ve still got questions. Where can I find answers?

Check out our documentation page for more details.

