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Developer backtracks
Update Time March 30, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
PHP Version: 5.3 +
WordPress Version: 4.9


audio player embed media shortcode stats analytics social sharing voice backtracks spoken language interaction



WordPress plugin for the Backtracks player. Backtracks is industrial strength podcast analytics and hosting for serious podcasters. This is the official Backtracks player WordPress plugin. Get Started Getting started is easy. Create an account at then install the plugin. Installing and using the plugin is quick and easy. You'll be up and going within minutes.


Automated Installation Install from within your WordPress admin by searching for the "Backtracks" plugin. Manual Alternatives Alternatively, download the the Backtracks player plugin via the plugin directory and upload the plugin manually to your WordPress install via your WordPress install's plugin management page(s) through the UI.


What is Backtracks?

Backtracks is an industrial strength podcast analytics and hosting platform for serious podcasters.

Why do I need a account?

Since Backtracks and its services are provided and hosted by, a Backtracks account is required for the plugin to function. Depending on your plan you will have additional capabilities.

How do I view my stats?

Once you've installed the Backtracks plugin your stats will be available in your Backtracks account on

How do I request new plugin features?

From within your Backtracks account, contact us via chat or support to let us know the feature (or features) that you desire.


1.0.0 1.0.1 The one plugin you need for the Backtracks player in WordPress.