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bbPress Pencil Unread

开发者 grosbouff
更新时间 2020年1月14日 07:17
PHP版本: Wordpress 3, bbPress 2 及以上
WordPress版本: Wordpress 3.5.1, bbPress 2.2.4
版权: GPLv2 or later


buddypress bbpress forums topics unread




bbPress Pencil Unread display which bbPress forums/topics have already been read by the logged user; and adds classes to forums/topics so you can customize your theme easily.


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. == Frequently Asked Questions ==


  • Style of the read / non-read forums


How does it work?

bbPress Pencil Unread handles differently the way forums & topics are set as read.

  • For topics, the ID of each visitor having read the topic is is stored in bbppu_read_by (posts metas table) when the topic is opened.  When a new reply is added, the IDs of the users having already read the topic are deleted.
  • For forums, the time of each forum's last access by the user is stored in bbppu_forums_visits (users metas table) on forum visits, and compared to the forum last activity time. This means a forum will be set as "read" if the user has visited the forum page, and even if some topics inside have not been read (but they will remain listed as non read topics when displaying the forum).
It's working that way to avoid having too much database calls / data stored.

How can I use those functions outside of the plugin ?

Have a look at the file /bbppu-template.php, which contains functions you could need.


1.0.0 First release