This plugin is an extension of Woocommerce which added Bangladeshi Taka BDT symble (৳) at WooCommerce plugin where WooCommerce not yet support Bangladeshi currency/symble (BDT ৳) & Bangladeshi Local Payment Gateways (i.e. bKash, DBBL Mobile Banking etc.) into WooCommerce.
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Unzip the plugin and copy the wc-bd-mobile-payments folder to your wp-content/plugins folder or install from repository and activate the plugin.
Setting up the plugin
- install & activate the plugin into your WordPress blog
- (৳) will be automatically added to WooCommerce > Setting (General Options)
- bKash & DBBl Mobile Banking added to WooCommerce > Setting > Payment Gateways
First stable version, tested with latest version of Wordpress & woocommerce.
Small bug fix, and tested with latest version of wordpress and woocommerce.