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BegetByMe Publisher

更新时间 2012年5月4日 00:20
PHP版本: 3.0 or higher 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3.2


posts deals offers beget begetbyme


0.3.0 0.1.0b 0.1.1b 0.1.2b 0.1.3b 0.1.4b 0.1.5b 0.2b 0.3.1


This plugin will allow offers from your BegetByMe microsite to be published on your blog.


After you install and activate the plugin, you will need to register your blog with your microsite. Go to the BegetByMe page in your admin interface, enter the subdomain of your microsite and save the changes.


There are no upgrade notices.


0.3.1 Fixed bug related to assigning posts to author. 0.3.0 Cleaned up code which was causing notices. Refactored into class to prevent name collision. Resolved deprecated warnings. 0.2.1b Added support for setting a post's thumbnail image (featured image). 0.2b More copy changes, and consistent name change. 0.1.4b This version allows for specifying a specific category to push posts as. 0.1.3b This version has a fix for Wordpress 3.0 (and likely earlier). 0.1.2b This version will unregister a blog when uninstalling the plugin. It also cleans up a bug with finding the author of a new post. Updated on the server side is including an image and a link in the excerpt. 0.1.1b This version fixes AJAX errors in IE.