In order to use the plugin, you must have a belboon advertiser account and integrate our tracking pixel technology. For more information on how to register as an advertiser with belboon, please contact our account management. Additional fees may apply.
Plug-In Features:
- Complete tracking pixel integration with just a few clicks
- Supports belboon Server 2 Server and ClickID Tracking
- Officially recommended/tested by belboon
- Activate and deactivate plugin as desired
- Simple configuration per sales channel
- Continuous further development and adaptation to current updates
Belboon processes the checkout information for purpose of attributing sales and the publishers commisions. The order reference is included in this process. This data will be sent and processed on the domain. Any queries regarding the processing of this data can be directed to your dedicated integration contact. If you have any questions about the processing of your data, please refer to our privacy policy:
Um das Plugin nutzen zu können, musst Du über ein belboon Advertiser Konto verfügen und unsere Tracking Pixel Technologie integrieren. Für weitere Informationen, wie Du dich als Werbetreibender bei belboon anmeldest, kontaktiere gerne unser Account Management. Es können zusätzliche Gebühren anfallen.
Plug-In Features:
- Vollständige Tracking Pixel Integration mit nur wenigen Klicks
- Unterstützt das belboon Server 2 Server und ClickID Tracking
- Offiziell empfohlen/getestet von belboon
- Plugin wahlweise aktivieren und deaktivieren
- Einfache Konfiguration pro Verlaufskanal
- Fortlaufende Weiterentwicklung und Anpassung an aktuelle Updates
Bei Fragen zur Verarbeitung der Daten, beachte bitte unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie:
Supported languages:
- German
- English
- Spannish
- French
- Italian
- Translateable with *.po files
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.