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Best Logo Slider

开发者 wpbean
更新时间 2025年2月12日 03:16
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


slider logo carousel logo partners clients


1.0.6 1.0.1


Best Logo Slider to display partners, clients or sponsor's Logo in your WordPress site quickly and easily. It's quite simple to create a carousel slider of logos, such as a sponsor, partner, or client logo, using our Logo Slider plugin. It has title, logo image and website URL. Shortcode ready for showing logo slider anywhere of site.
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Plugin Features: Pro Version Features:



How can I upload logo image?

The plugin has a custom post type for logo slider. Just post some logo as like as wordpress normal post.

Can I link the logo to external link?

This feature also available with logo post type. You will find a custom logo input box just bellow the logo title.

How can I hide the title bellow the logo image?

Just give a attribute with your shortcode Ex. [logo_slider title="no"] .


version 1.0 version 1.0.1 version 1.0.2 version 1.0.3 version 1.0.4 version 1.0.5