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Amazon Affiliate Buttons - Better Buttons

开发者 thomasadam
更新时间 2019年4月2日 05:51
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


amazon buttons amazon affiliate amazon associates amazon associate link builder amazon affiliate links




About Better Buttons Better Buttons creates ordinary affiliate links into pretty buttons and Call to Action boxes. The plugin automatically creates the link and button from a simple Amazon Product Id and will automatically update the products price and pictures every day and insert them into a post. Required For the plugin to work you need both an Amazon Associate ID/Tag and Product Advertising API. You can sign up for the Amazon Product Advertising API here. To become an Amazon Associate create account using the URL for your country: Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, United States.


  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Plugins menu on the left hand side and click Add new.
  2. In the search field type Better Buttons and click Search Plugins. You can install the Plugin by simply clicking Install Now. If you require further assistance find the help.html file in the Better Buttons directory.
Configuring the Plugin
  1. Hover over the Settings option in the WordPress dashboard and then click on Better Button Settings.
  2. Enter the API keys and Affiliate information in the entry fields.
  3. Click Save Changes. The Plugin is now ready to be used.
Using the Shortcodes The Plugin uses Shortcodes to create the buttons. Below is an example of a Shortcode the plugin uses. For a list of all the Shortcode options consult the help.html file. [betterbutton type="box" asin="B075TWLZ18" color="blue"].


  • Settings Page
  • Shortcode Examples
  • Better Buttons button examples
  • Settings Page
  • Shortcode Examples
  • Better Buttons button examples
  • Settings Page