Linux 软件免费装

Plugin Name

开发者 brandonturpin
更新时间 2016年8月10日 01:51
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


bluehost hostmonster justhost site design


1.2.3 1.3.4


This plugin allows clients of the Bluehost, Hostmonster and Justhost design customers to have the resources and tools needed for building and building a successful website. Includes


  1. Go to the Plugins menu in WordPress
  2. Search for “bh-design”
  3. Click Install
  4. Click Activate


1.3.2 [6/29/16]
  • Fixed Firefox Bug with sortable Jquery
1.3.1 [6/29/16]
  • Updated login page design
  • Removed dashboard notification
1.3.0 [5/13/16]
  • Added social media v2.0
1.2.5 [4/16/16]
  • Updated compatibility
  • Added maintenance notification [1/21/16]
  • Fixed bug with font interference and login screen compatibility with child theme
1.2.4 [1/13/16]
  • Fixed some errors in plugin
1.2.1 [9/11/15]
  • Image URL Issues
  • Tested up to 4.3.1
1.2 [9/11/15]
  • Update URL’s to match plugin folder
1.1 [9/11/15]
  • Update URL’s to match plugin folder
1.0 [8/11/15]
  • Initial version


Can I use the plugin if I am not a customer of your design service

Yes you can. While many of the tools would be for our professional design team, there are others that you are able to use.

If I am a customer, can I remove this plugin?

Short answer, yes, but you should speak to your designer before doing so. The site may depend on its functionality for your website to work.

What happens if I removed the plugin already and it broke my site.

You can just install the plugin again and all the settings should remain in tact.


1.3.2 [6/29/16] 1.3.1 [6/29/16] 1.3.0 [5/13/16] 1.2.5 [4/16/16] [1/21/16] 1.2.4 [1/13/16] 1.2.1 [11/10/15] 1.2 [9/11/15] 1.1 [9/11/15] 1.0 [8/11/15]