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BibleGet I/O

开发者 Lwangaman
更新时间 2024年2月26日 10:48
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode block citation bible quote verses biblia versiculos versetti bibbia citazione cita versets


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.2 6.5 7.3 7.4 1.0 2.1 3.2 7.5 7.6 7.8 4.3 7.9 8.0 3.0 5.4 8.1 1.1 7.7 8.2 6.9 8.3


Once the plugin is installed, you will find a Bible quote block in the widgets section of the block editor. Also available is a shortcode [bibleget] that you can use to insert Bible quotes in articles or pages from different versions of the Bible in different languages. The text of the Bible quotes is retrieved from the BibleGet API Sample usage of the shortcode: It is also possible to place the reference for the desired Bible quote in the contents of the shortcode: The Plugin also has a settings page “BibleGet I/O” under “Settings” in the Administration area, where you can choose your preferred Bible versions from those available on the BibleGet server so that you don’t have to use the version or versions parameter every time. After you have made your choices in the settings area, remember to click on “Save”! Once the preferred version is set you can simply use: Other parameters available to the shortcode are: The style settings are customizable using the Wordpress Customizer, so you can make the Bible quotes fit into the style of your own blog / WordPress website. The Bible quote block also has a number of customizable options in the block editor which allow you to set not only the style but also the layout of the elements that make up the Bible quote. BibleGet Website Subscribe to the Youtube channel! Follow on Facebook! Follow on Twitter!


  1. Go to Administration Area -> Plugins -> Add new and search for bibleget, click on Install Now
  2. Activate the plugin once installation is complete
  3. Set the preferred Bible version or versions for your Bible quotes from the settings page Administration Area -> Settings -> BibleGet I/O
  4. Set your preferred styling in the WordPress Customizer -> BibleGet I/O or when you add a Bible quote block in the block editor
  5. Add Bible quotes to your articles and pages either with the Bible quote block or with the [bibleget] shortcode
  6. Check out the WordPress playlist on youtube!


  • Bible quote block: choose Bible version and insert Bible reference
  • Search results for search verses by keyword
  • Layout options for Bible version, Book and chapter reference...
  • Styling options with the WordPress Customizer


8.3 Allow Google Fonts preview data to persist between plugin updates 8.2 Bugfix for controls in the Block editor which were losing focus as soon as a change was made 8.1 Bugfix for Font Select in Customizer 8.0 Bugfixes for Google Fonts previews and Bible quote popups 7.9 Fix newer parameters not working with the shortcode, and update Readme with info about these parameters 7.5 Version 7.5 brings all the latest functionality from the BibleGet API. Update today! 7.4 Fixes botched styling of the multiselect in the block editor after recent WordPress/Gutenberg updates, adds a few enhancements to the block editor options 7.3 Fixes botched styling of the multiselect in the block editor after recent WordPress/Gutenberg updates, adds a few enhancements to the block editor options 7.2 Better styling of poetic verses in NABRE version, fix for error table being shown to end user 7.1 Fixes some possible problems with the Bible quote block by changing the API method from GET to POST. Requires Gutenberg plugin v8.8 7.0 Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 6.9 Fixes regression in shortcode version attribute. Versions prior to 6.7 must update in order to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet search endpoint 6.8 Aesthetic fixes for icons and buttons. Versions prior to 6.7 must update in order to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet search endpoint 6.7 Must update in order to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet search endpoint 6.6 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.5 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.4 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.3 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.2 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.1 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 6.0 Versions prior to 5.9 must be updated to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 5.9 Must update to maintain compatibility with the BibleGet endpoint 5.8 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.4 adds a Gutenberg block 5.7 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.4 adds a Gutenberg block 5.6 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.4 adds a Gutenberg block 5.5 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.4 adds a Gutenberg block 5.4 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.4 adds a Gutenberg block 5.3 Versions prior to 5.1 must be updated. v5.3 brings a better interface and admin controls for the Google Fonts API 5.2 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v5.2 verifies compatibility with Wordpress 5.4 and fixes a bug that was preventing a correct uninstallation of the plugin 5.1 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v5.1 verifies compatibility with Wordpress 5.4 and fixes a bug that was preventing a correct uninstallation of the plugin 5.0 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v5.0 verifies compatibility with Wordpress 5.3.2 and adds Google Fonts API option 4.9 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v4.9 corrects evaluation of shortcode parameters for correct implementation of "popup" parameter functionality 4.8 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v4.8 adds a parameter "popup" to the [bibleget] shortcode, to allow hiding the contents of the bible quote and show it only on click in a popup 4.7 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v4.7 has a couple of minor bugfixes on the jQuery Fontselect plugin 4.6 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated. v4.6 incorporates hard-coded list of Google WebFonts. 4.5 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated, style settings now using Wordpress Customizer. 4.5 presents a couple of small enhancements from 4.4 4.4 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated, style settings now using Wordpress Customizer. 4.4 presents compatibility with Wordpress 4.8 4.3 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated, style settings now using Wordpress Customizer. 4.3 presents enhancements in text formatting and styling options 4.2 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated, style settings now using Wordpress Customizer. 4.2 adds another ssl compatibility check. 4.1 Versions prior to 3.6 must be updated, style settings now using Wordpress Customizer. 4.1 adds ajax spinner and ssl compatibility check. 4.0 Complete overhaul porting the style settings from the Settings Page to the Wordpress Customizer since 3.6 plus bugfixes 3.9 Please update, complete overhaul of style settings now using Wordpress Customizer and other bugfixes 3.8 While 3.6 was a Major update with complete overhaul of style settings and other bugfixes, this update fixes some language translations 3.7 While 3.6 was a Major update with complete overhaul of style settings and other bugfixes, this update fixes some language translations 3.6 Major update with complete overhaul of style settings and other bugfixes, update is mandatory 3.5 This is a minor update with a bugfix for a possible vulnerability 3.4 Minor update with better error handling, errors from the bibleget server will only show in backend 3.3 Minor update with bugfix for incorrect entries in languages array for German language 3.2 Minor update with further CSS styling enhancements especially for the NABRE text plus small bugfix 3.1 Minor update from v3.0 with CSS styling enhancements especially for the NABRE text 3.0 Bugfixes (please read changelog), compatibility with WordPress 4.3, caching enhancements 2.9 Minor update for compatibility with WordPress 4.2.2 2.8 Added specific functionality for parsing NABRE text and applying NABRE specific styles. 2.7 Added Serbian and Polish translations 2.6 Minor bugfix from version 2.5, added Serbian translation 2.5 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. (plus Bugfixes) 2.4 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. (plus Bugfixes) 2.3 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. (plus Bugfixes) 2.2 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. 2.1 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. 2.0 v2.0 is a major release which uses the new and upgraded BibleGet I/O API engine. Must update. 1.5 Compatibility with WordPress 4.0 1.4 Update for bugfixes (possible errors on servers that have safe_mode activated or the open_basedir directive set) 1.3 1.2 1.1 Update for bugfixes (errors with whitespaces) 1.0 Inital release, not fully tested


How do I formulate a Bible citation?

The query parameter must contain a Bible reference formulated according to the standard notation for Bible citations (see Bible citation on Wikipedia). Two different notations can be used, the English (Chicago Manual of Style) notation and the International style notation. ENGLISH NOTATION:

  • “:” is the chapter – verse separator. “15:5” means “chapter 15, verse 5”.
  • “-” is the from – to separator, and it can be used in one of three ways:
  • from chapter to chapter: “15-16″ means “from chapter 15 to chapter 16”.
  • from chapter,verse to verse (of the same chapter): “15:1-5” means “chapter 15, from verse 1 to verse 5”.
  • from chapter,verse to chapter,verse “15:1-16:5” means “from chapter 15,verse 1 to chapter 16,verse 5”.
  • “,” is the separator between one verse and another. “15:5,7,9” means “chapter 15,verse 5 then verse 7 then verse 9”.
  • “;” is the separator between one query and another. “15:5-7;16:3-9,11-13” means “chapter 15, verses 5 to 7; then chapter 16, verses 3 to 9 and verses 11 to 13”.
  • “,” is the chapter - verse separator. “15,5” means “chapter 15, verse 5”.
  • “-” same as English notation
  • “.” is the separator between one verse and another. “15,5.7.9” means “chapter 15,verse 5 then verse 7 then verse 9”.
  • “;” same as English notation
Either notation can be used, however they cannot be mixed within the same query. MLA style notation (which uses a “.” dot as the chapter verse separator, and only supports verse ranges, not non-consecutive verses) is not supported. At least the first query (of a series of queries chained by a semi-colon) must indicate the name of the book to quote from; the name of the book can be written in full in more than 20 different languages, or written using the abbreviated form. See the page List of Book Abbreviations. When a query following a semi-colon does not indicate the book name, it is intended that the same book as the previous query will be quoted. So “Gen1:7-9;4:4-5;Ex3:19” means “Genesis chapter 1, verses 7 to 9; then again Genesis chapter 4, verses 4 to 5; then Exodus chapter 3, verse 19”.

I am requesting a long Bible quote but I'm only getting 30 verses

If you are using a version of the Bible that is covered by copyright, you will not be able to quote more than 30 verses at once. So if you request for example “Gen1” using the NABRE version, you might expect to get back Gen1:1-31 but instead you will only get back Gen1:1-30. This is a limit imposed by the legal agreements for usage of these versions, it's not a bug, it's by design. If you need more than 30 verses when requesting a version covered by copyright, formulate the request as multiple quotes split up into no more than 30 verses each, for example “Gen1:1-30;1:31”.

What happens if I add a Google Fonts API key?

If you add a Google Fonts API key, the BibleGet plugin will immediately test it's validity. If valid, it will remember that you have a key and that it's valid for 3 months. Every three months starting from this moment the BibleGet plugin will talk with the Google Fonts API to get the latest list of available Google Fonts, and will download to the plugin folders a local compressed copy of each of those fonts for the purpose of previewing them in the customizer interface.\ You will need to be a bit patient the first time as it will take a couple minutes to complete the download process. A progress bar will let you know how the download is progressing. If you have a slow connection, the progress might stall for a few seconds every now an then (around 25%, 50%, and 75%), just be patient and it should continue to progress to the end. In the future, whenever the plugin talks with the Google Fonts API, the process should go a lot faster as it will only need to download new fonts. It will also generate a css file that will load the preview of the fonts when you open the customizer interface. This does have a bit of a performance impact, and especially the first time you open the customizer it might take a minute to load. After this it should go a little faster as the fonts previews should be cached by the browser. If you are not happy with the performance impact, I would suggest to delete the Google Fonts API key.

I have added the Google Fonts API key but the list of available fonts isn't updated

The BibleGet plugin will remember that your key is valid for 3 months. This means that it will not fetch the list of fonts from the Google Fonts API until the relative transient expires. If a new font has come out that you would like to see and use in the customizer interface for the BibleGet plugin, and you don't want to have to wait until the transient expires in that 3 month time slot, then you can click on the "force refresh" option below your API key.

I added the Google Fonts API key but while it was processing the download it stopped with a 504 http status error

If you receive a 504 http status error it means that the connection with the Google Fonts API timed out for some reason. The BibleGet plugin tries to handle this situation by forcing the process to start again, but if instead the process comes to a halt please let the plugin author know at in order to look further into the handling of this situation. In any case you can reload the page and use the "force refresh" option below your API key and the process will pick up where it left off.

I updated the plugin to version 5.4 or later, but the new 'Bible quote' block doesn't seem to be cooperating

In order to allow for new layout options, the BibleGet I/O API itself was slightly updated, and there is a little more information in the response from the server. However Bible quotes are cached by the BibleGet plugin for a seven day period, which means that from the time of the update until about a week later the cached Bible quotes will not have the necessary information for them to work with the 'Bible quote' block. If you do not want to wait seven days or until the cache expires, there is a new option in the BibleGet Settings page since version 5.7 which allows to flush the cache. A word of caution however: the more recent updates to the BibleGet service endpoint have started imposing hard limits on the number of requests that can be issued from any given domain, IP address or referer. No more than 30 requests for one same Bible quote can be issued in a two day period, and no more than 100 requests for different Bible quotes can be issued in a two day period. If you have many Bible quotes on your website and you risk hitting the limit, it may be best not to flush the cache all at once but rather wait out the seven days until the cache expires.

I'm not able to use some options in the Gutenberg block such as positioning of the Bible version

There was recently an update to the BibleGet I/O API which slightly changed the structure of the html that comprises the Bible quotes. It is necessary to update the plugin to v5.9 in order to be compatible with these changes.


8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0