The plugin searches the content before output and replaces all emails with a tricky javascript spam protection. The visitor will not notice any change, only spam bots can not grab your emails anymore. For your themes, the plugin provides some handy helper functions to protect emails.
BinEmailSpamProtection::cryptMail('') = javascript:DeCryptX('jogpAflti/di')
BinEmailSpamProtection::cryptMailLink('', [optional text]) = <a class="noSpam" href="javascript:DeCryptX('jogpAflti/di')"><span class="noSpam-text">mail@<span class="noSpam-at">nospam-</span></span></a>
BinEmailSpamProtection::linktext('') = <span class="noSpam-text">mail@<span class="noSpam-at">nospam-</span></span>
To avoid problems when the plugin is not active, check to see if the class exists before using it:
$protected = (class_exists('BinEmailSpamProtection') ? BinEmailSpamProtection::cryptMail('') : 'mailto:'');